Chapter 10: Escapee

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Dangerous lover.

Chapter ten: Escapee.

Hermione's P.O.V.

Hogwarts is no more! The foundations and roots of the castle and history are no longer present. The corridors are now no longer aligned with the moving portraits of wizards and witches. Instead in its place are historical documents that no one bother to read.

All dormitories are locked after 8:30pm and all classrooms have bars on the windows. Do not even get me started on the crazy security. Lucas has his men stationed at every single, solitary corner. There is no escaping his prying eye.

Begrudgingly I woke up grimacing as I noticed the red interior of the room. I was once again awakened to realise that this was really not all just a terrible dream. Of course the man who is to blame for all my grey hairs was looking over me with his predatory gaze.

Lucas explained that he had to go do some work and that his friend Mason, the man who ruined my first escape attempt will be escorting me alongside none other than his assholness Draco Malfoy to and from all my classes. Before leaving the room I was reminded that I must spend my lunch and free periods in his office with him.

As I walk the halls with my "bodyguards" flanking me, I notice that none of the Hogwarts staff are around, Lucas seems to have replaced them all with his friends or as he refers to them his "pack members". Observingly, I notice that they only females around are those who are girlfriends to the men also referred to as "mates".

Mason and Draco seem to take their job as my bodyguard's way to seriously. Standing either side of me glaring or threatening anyone who so much as glances in my direction, in particular males. Amidst the crowd I did see the faces of Neville and Luna. I was unable to approach them however.

"Lucas does not permit any males to be around you unless he knows and trusts them. Longass however, does not have permission to be anywhere near you." Mason explained

"His name is Longbottom, Neville Longbottom and he just so happens to be one of the friendliest and sweetest people in the world. You can tell Lucas he has no right to dictate my life and tell me who I can and cannot hand out with." I seethe furiously as I walk into my defence against the dark arts classroom.

I am surprised to notice all the tables and chairs piled up against one wall and gym mates aligning the floors. At the front of the room 10 of Lucas's men stand with their arms crossed glaring down at everyone.

"All right everyone, take a seat on the mates and keep your mouths zipped unless you wish to receive a detention."

I freeze looking at the man who has just spoken. Holy snake's venom, he is HUGE! He is almost double the size of Lucas. He would have to be in the Guinness world record books for being tall and muscular. He's like the size of a bodybuilder. If I don't crane my neck back I wouldn't see past his stomach.

Mason pushes down gently on my shoulders, indicating that I should sit down. I also notice I am more isolated from the other students. Somers worse, none other than Draco Malfoy sat his annoy ass down next to me. I notice some of the other students giving me death glares. Great just great!

They are all blaming me for what is happening at Hogwarts. Well in some ways it is my fault however, something tells me that Lucas had planned this all along and I just happened to cross paths and this unruly infatuation occurred.

"FACE THE FRONT NOW!" Mr Giant screams.

Everyone snaps their heads to the front of the room and immediately it felt as though a thousand knifes were pulled out of my back at once. The immediate relief of their burning eyes facing elsewhere made me want to hug the giant ass man at the front of the room.

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