Social Media and In Memory of Today

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A/n: Hey guys!! Finally got a twitter account, so follow me if you have an account as well. I know, I'm a huge noob for just now getting an account, but whatever. Also, follow me on my other social media accounts if you want to.

Twitter: (@miss_rekt)

Instagram: (@yixing_laybae) I know my username is weird (^.^)

Snapchat: (@anime_rocknroll) Made it a looong time ago don't judge.

So, I will update on this story this weekend as always in case you guys are wondering. Umm...keep reading and voting and commenting.

One more thing before I end this a/n. I would like to remember this day 14 years ago when two planes crashed into the world trade center, causing the deaths of many innocent people. Even though I don't remember it happening personally because I was so young, I still want to honor those who lost their lives and their loved ones to this tragedy. So a moment of virtual silence please...


Anyways, I guess I'll see you guys this weekend in the one shots. Bye!


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