(Mini Ladd x Reader) Rescue Mission Pt. 2

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---- Recap ----

"Everyone, gather around," Vanoss yelled. The guys walked over to where he and I were standing. He started to introduce me to everyone.

"The guy with the hockey mask is Delirious, monkey mask guy is Lui, the guy with the darker monkey mask is Basically, pig mask is Wildcat, the really ugly one is Nogla, the one with the Mexican mustache is Droidd, and the one with the red and yellow sleeveless shirt is Moo," he explained, pointing to each one. He then pointed to me.

"Guys, meet y/n. She's gonna help us get Mini back," I crossed my arms and stared back at all of them.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked.

---- Now, small timeskip ----

"Are you sure this will work?" Basically questioned, giving me an uncertain look.

"If Lamar's defenses are set up like they usually are," I said, motioning the plan that was written up on top of the crate. "Then yeah." I looked around the room at everyone gathered around and saw that they were worried, but would trust my judgement.

"Now, any questions about your individual roles?" I asked, looking around. No one spoke. "Okay then, I guess Vanoss should take over from here then." Vanoss stepped forward while I stepped to the side, letting him take the floor.

"Alright gang, let's load up the weapons and get into the truck so that we can get this rescue mission started," he said, clapping his hands together. So with that, we all fell out and started to pick out our weapons along with getting into the trucks. I was in a truck riding shotgun with Lui and Nogla, Lui was driving and Nogla was in the back in the truck bed. We pulled out of the warehouse and we followed the map to where Lamar most likely had Mini, under a bridge that ran over Power Street.

We pulled up under the bridge to see a dim light shining out into the street from an entrance. We all turned around and parked around the corner, stepping out of our vehicles, locked and loaded. I looked back at everyone and silently motioned them to get into position. They nodded their heads in acknowledgment. Vanoss, Nogla, and Lui went around back. Droidd, Moo, and Basically went to the left entrance. Delirious, Wildcat, and I went to the right entrance. I looked over at Droidd and the others at the right entrance. They signaled that they were ready and I nodded, counting down from three with my fingers.

I got to one and our two teams rushed in, prepared for a fight. We were met with many lowlife thugs. They took cover and began to shoot at us. We did the same. We shot at the thugs and they were dropping like flies. Vanoss' team came in and started to help corner the remaining thugs.

"Push forward!" I yelled loud enough so Droidd's team and the others could here me as well as my own team. We moved forward, taking out thugs left and right. We were down to only about ten guys left. I heard a muffled yell and I assumed that it was Mini. We pushed forward even more, taking out all but one guy who had surrendered. I looked around, trying to find where Mini was. I heard a loud bang and looked behind me to see a metal, chained door being kicked from the other side. I rushed over as well as Vanoss and Wildcat while the others kept an eye on our new hostage.

I took out a bobby pin from my hair as well as a paper clip in my pocket and began to pick the crappy padlock. I had it open within seconds and opened the door to see a guy with his hands tied behind his back and a black sack over his head. He yelled again and I rolled my eyes, pulling the bag off of his head. He looked up at me and I stared down at him in shock.

"Craig?" I asked, dumbfounded. He blinked and struggled to get out of his restraints. I quickly undid them and he brought his hands in front of him, ripping the duct tape off his mouth.

"Y/n?" he said, pushing his glasses up, which I noticed had a cracked lens. We stared at each other, not believing what either of us were seeing.

"Do you two know each other?" Vanoss asked, confused. I nodded and hugged Craig tightly. He hugged back just as tight and buried his face into the crook of my neck. We broke away and stood up, staring at the confused Vanoss and Wildcat.

"This is my girlfriend," Craig said to the guys. I swear, their jaws dropped to the ground.

"Okay, anyone care to explain just what the fuck is going on?" Wildcat asked, crossing his arms. I looked up at Craig and then back at the guys.

"He and I have technically been dating for three years now. He left our house one day though and never came back," I replied, grabbing Craig's hand and squeezing it tightly. "That was two years ago."

"I'm so sorry I left," Craig said, turning towards me. "This guy Lamar said that he would hurt you if I didn't leave and join this gang. He said that he needed 'my skills'," he explained. "He used to be the leader, that was, before Vanoss and the other guys took over and basically kicked him out. Ever since then," he said, grabbing both of my hands. "I've been working to hunt this guy down and kill him so he would never be able to hurt you."

Tears of happiness streamed down my face as I buried my face into Craig's chest. He hugged me tightly, running his hand through my hair.

"Thank you so much," I managed to get out between my tears. He pulled away and gazed into my eyes, planting a sweet kiss on my forehead. Another tear fell from my eyes as I looked up at my sweet boyfriend. I finally found him. I have him back again.

"Okay, beautiful chick flick moment," Nogla interrupted. "But we need to see what this guy knows and hunt down this dick Lamar." I nodded in agreement as we walked up to the man on his knees. He looked up at us stoned faced. Craig walked up and kneeled down in front of him.

"Where's your boss?" he asked seriously. The guy responded by spitting in his face. Anger flared within me and I started walking forward, but Delirious stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. Craig wiped the spit off of his face and scowled at the man.

"Looks like we do this the hard way then," he said, standing up dramatically slow.

A/n: Yata! I finally got this part finished! One more part to go! Sorry it took this long guys. I'm gonna really try hard to get the last part of this out next weekend and hopefully something else as well. Thank you guys so much for supporting me and being so unbelievably patient. I will make it up to you guys by working especially hard to get more updates out this weekend. Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed!

Love you guys,

-Alex <3

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