(Wildcat x Reader) Enemy Of My Enemy

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Takes place in Los Santos kk?


"Fuck!" I yelled, shoving another magazine into my SMG. They were all circling me. There had to be at least fifteen of them. No way was I gonna get out of this alive. 

I will not give up. Not today.

I came out from behind cover screaming and spraying bullets in every direction. I think I hit a few of the no good thugs too. Suddenly, a click, and cold metal against the back of my skull.

"Stop shooting and stand the fuck up or your brain will become rat food," the voice came from behind me. I scowled and stood up. My weapon was taken from my hand roughly by another lowly thug.

"Now turn around," it came again. I did as it said and turned around so the barrel of the revolver was now on my temple. I followed the hand holding the revolver down the arm and to the face of this thug. Though the lighting was shitty, I could tell that this was a woman. 

Well no shit, you could've been able to tell that much by the pitch of the voice.

She was absolutely gorgeous. H/l, h/c fell from her head and her lips were pressed in a line as she stared at me with an expression of stone. She smirked and then looked just next to me, signaling someone with the quick nod of her head. I heard shuffling, then nothing. 


A groan escaped my mouth and my eyes opened unwillingly. I wanted to sleep a bit more. 

Wait a minute, didn't she...

I was fully awake as I surveyed my surroundings. Looked like the same warehouse that I was taking out those thugs in. My hands were tied to a support beam with a couple of large, wood crates on either side of me. 

Escape options. Think Tyler, think.

I discreetly brought my right leg in so my foot was near my hand. I felt around on the inside and smirked as my hand clasped the warm handle of a small knife. I started to slowly slip it out, only to hear footsteps drawing closer to me. I put it back and returned to my previous position. The figure walked into my view and came towards me. From the looks of it, it was the woman. She kneeled in front of me and took a look at me.

"How did you find us?" she asked softly, yet insistently.

"I have my sources," I replied, grinning.

She cocked her head to the side and smiled, chuckling under her breath. "Lamar, you piece of cock shit," she muttered to herself.

 "Alright, here's how this will work," she started, standing up. "You kill the backstabbing Lamar, you forget about my 'organization', and I let you walk out alive."

"And what if I don't wanna kill him?" I asked daringly. She smiled and kneeled down yet again and leaned in closer to my face.

Ooh, wonder if she'll-

Her hand grabbed my throat and forced my neck and head against the hard support beam harshly.

Okay, never mind.

"Do it or I'll rip your throat out and shove it so far up your ass that the surgeons will be picking it out of your teeth during the autopsy," she growled menacingly, her face scarily calm. Her hand dropped from my throat and I let out a cough. Standing up, she began to leave the area.

"Wait!" I called. She stopped and turned around. "What's your name?" She hesitated.

"Y/n." she said so quietly that I almost didn't catch it. And with that, she left.

You guys want a part two? Who am I kidding, I want a part two. That'll come out sometime soon. Give me some ideas for it if you want. Not much to say as of right now. See you guys in the next one.

Love you all,

-Alex <3

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