(Mini Ladd x Reader) The Hunters

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All you Supernatural fans out there, you're gonna like this one.

We sprinted through the dark forest, dodging low shrubs and the tall trees in our path. They were right behind us. I was very surprised how they were managing to keep up with us somehow. Quickly looking over my shoulder, I saw Craig close behind me, as well as the shadows of the hunters chasing us. Looking back to the path in front of me, I dodged yet another tree, just barely however, and continued sprinting. We were almost there, just a little bit further.

A gun shot rang out and I ducked instinctively. I took a sharp left behind some thick brush and trees, crawling underneath them. Soon, Craig joined me underneath, laying next to me and watching carefully for our attackers. Their footfalls came closer and closer, and the two men emerged from trees, now carefully walking around, checking for any sign of us.

There's only two of them.

I smirked to myself, crawling forward slightly, preparing to attack. I felt a hand swiftly be placed on my shoulder, pulling me back slightly. I looked back to see Craig glance at the hunters and then back at me, shaking his head for me to stay put.

"Where the hell did they go?" one of them asked, carefully looking around, making sure we wouldn't ambush them.

"I don't know," the other said. "They may have hid somewhere, trying to ambush us." They continued to carefully look around. Suddenly, I heard the sound if twigs snapping and leaves crunching, moving toward us with swift speed.

You guys are fucked.

I smirked to myself yet again and watched as the hunters became aware of the incoming company they had.

"It sounds like there are more of them coming," the second one said. The other nodded in agreement.

"No way we can take them all," the first spoke. "Let's get out of here, Sammy," They turned around and began to high tail it out of the woods. A few moments later, our pack came into sight. Three if them continued after the men, the other two stayed behind, striding over to our hiding spot.

"You two okay?" I heard the voice of Evan, our leader, ask. Craig and I got out from under the brush and stood up to be face to face with him.

"We're good," Craig said, looking over to me.

"Are ye sure about that?" the other guy, David asked. It went silent, and I looked up to see why. The others were staring at me.

"What?" I asked, a hint of unintentional snappiness in my voice.

"She'll be fine. We should head home though," Craig chimed in for me, rubbing my arm soothingly with his hand.

"Alright," said Evan, running a hand through his hair. "The others will know where we are." With that, we went to a quiet run through the dark forest until we finally reached a small, worn down house.

Home, sweet home.

Craig and I went in through the front door, and he guided me towards the bathroom. Sitting me down on the toilet, he grabbed a rag and began to drench it in water. Those hunters were still on my mind though. I could've taken them easily. There were only two, anyways. Plus, I would've gotten a nice little treat afterwards...

"Y/n," Craig broke me from my thoughts. I glanced up at him to see a wet rag make its way towards my face.

"Try not to think about them," he said, pressing the cool rag against my head and rubbing my shoulder with his other hand. It felt good, but I couldn't stop thinking about them.

Humans...only two...could've taken them down...hearts.....delicious...

"Hey!" Craig raised his voice. "What did I just say?" Craig couldn't understand. He's never eaten a human heart before. He doesn't know of its temptations and deliciousness. Me, on the other hand, I've eaten three. And I could've had two more tonight if I wasn't held back.

But no, Evan says we can't kill anyone. If we do, it'll drive the hunters here and they'll slaughter us all. I could hide the bodies though. I could make sure that they were never found again.

Evan and the others don't believe in killing humans though. Evan has eaten one human heart before, so he understands the temptations. No killing though.

I feel kinda bad for Tyler, or as we call him, Wildcat. He's had four human hearts. I can barely resist my temptation. I don't know how he continuously resists his. He and I are actually the only ones okay with killing humans sometimes. You can probably guess why.

"Yo, y/n!" Speak of the devil. I glanced to the bathroom doorway to see Wildcat standing there, along with the other two who went after the hunters to chase them off, Brock and Lui. Wildcat's face became worrisome when we made eye contact.

"You okay?" he asked. I nodded slightly.

"If you need to talk, I'm here," he said, leaving. I knew what he meant by "talk".

"Are you good now?" Craig asked soothingly. I nodded and he smiled softly.

"That's my girl," he kissed my forehead lightly before lifting my chin and pecking my slightly chapped lips.

"C'mon," he said, offering his hand. "Let's go lie down for a while." I grinned at the idea of sleep and took his hand, letting him lead us to our bedroom, where we passed Jonny sitting on the couch with Evan and Brock, playing some kind of board game.

We finally entered our room and I basically collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. Craig went around to the other side and slipped under the covers, wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me closer. His warm breath touched my neck, making it tickle slightly.

"I love you y/n," he mumbled, on the edge of sleep.

"I love you too," I mumbled back quietly. With that, I let sleep take over my body.


"Should we really continue after them Dean?" he asked, running his loose hand through his hair, exhausted.

"Yes Sammy! They could kill again. Besides, the less werewolves in the world, the better." I responded, taking another sip of my beer.

"I don't know Dean," Sam spoke, shutting his laptop. "These ones seem different. Like those few werewolves that chased us out of the woods," he frowned. "They easily could've killed us. But they didn't. Maybe they just want to live out their lives peacefully." I sighed, remembering Garth and his family.

No. Garth was an exception. We can't afford to be take that same chance in them.

"We can't afford to take a chance on them, especially since there's been a death by one in this town recently." I explained. Sam sighed, shaking his head a bit.

"I know Sammy," I said. "We can't take the chance though."

There weesa go. There will be a part two don't worry. No sad stuff this time either so yay!!

Love you all,

-Alex <3

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