(H2O Delirious x Reader) Save Me Pt. 4

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A/n: This will be the last part of this small series or whatever you wanna call it. So yeah, happy reading!

---- Recap ----

"Hey Jonny," she rasped out. I grabbed a cup of water and handed it to her. She chugged it down in two gulps and handed me the cup. I took it and rubbed her knuckled with my thumb.

"How ya feeling?" I asked. She shrugged slightly, wincing in pain.

"Like I got hit by a truck," she responded, chuckling a little bit. Her face soon became very sad though. A tear slipped down her cheek and I brushed it away. She started crying more as I pulled her into a hug, careful that I didn't hurt her. She sobbed into my chest.

"Why does he hate me? What did I ever do to him?" she asked between sobs. I shushed her and ran my fingers through her h/l, h/c hair.

"You didn't do anything. He's just a fucking asshole with no appreciation for such a funny, smart, beautiful, bad-ass woman like you," I said, kissing the top of her head. She pulled away and looked into my blue eyes with her glazed over e/c eyes. She smiled and blushed, making me chuckle.

"Thank you for saving me Jon," she said, squeezing my hand like I would disappear if she let go.

"Anything for you, y/n," I said, hugging her again.

---- Now ----

"Anything for you, y/n," he said, pulling me into a hug. I tried to hug him back but hissed in pain when I tried to bring left arm up. Delirious pulled away and looked at me worriedly.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No, I was just trying to hug you back is all," I said. He gave me a sympathetic look. 

"Sorry," he said, smiling slightly.

"It's not your fault," I whispered, my boyfriend's face coming to mind, twisted in an angry snarl. I shook it away. Delirious and I talked for a while about random stuff like new video games and glitches. It was nice to just to be able to talk to my best friend face to face. 

"Well, guess what?" he asked.

"What?" I asked, curious. He smiled widely.

"Everyone is here," he whispered, still smiling like an idiot. My jaw dropped open.

"You mean everyone as in-"

"Tyler, Craig, Evan, David, Lui, Marcel, Brian, and Brock. They're here for you," he said, giggling. I smiled and blushed slightly.

"Wow," I whispered, shocked. They came all the way from where they lived...to see me. 

"Where are they?" I asked, eager to see them. 

"Umm, I think only Marcel, Lui and Evan might be here right now. Lemme see if I can find them," he said, getting up from his seat and kissing me on the top of the head as he headed out of the room. He headed out of the room, shutting the door.

The door opened up a few moments later and my smile widened. When I looked up, my smile faded and I felt my face go pale. He shut the door and walked towards me, anger pouring off him in waves. As he got closer, I saw his face was cut up a bit and he had an almost invisible bruise on his eye.

"Hey babe," he said deviously. I felt my eyes well up with tears. 

"What are you doing here?" I whispered, trying to think how I would get out of this situation. He chuckled and grabbed my neck, making me yelp. 

"A guy can't visit his girlfriend?" he asked, tightening his grip on my bruised neck a bit. 

"Boyfriend of the year, beating his girlfriend almost to death and then coming to the hospital to beat her more," I said, a sudden wave of bravery coming over me as I laid on the sarcasm like frosting on a cake. My boyfriend growled and slapped me with his free hand, making me yelp loudly. He brought his face inches away from mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Shut your fucking mouth before I make sure you never wake up again!" he yelled. I heard the door open and voices of the people that had become my most trusted friends.

"Hey! Get the fuck away from her!!" I heard Tyler yell, pulling my boyfriend back. I could now see who was here now. Everyone was here. All of them. Tyler slammed my boyfriend into the wall, holding him by his neck.

"I should fucking kill you for what you did to her," he growled, tightening his grip. Craig walked up to Tyler, placing a hand on his shoulder. Tyler looked over at him, which was a mistake, for my boyfriend took this moment to punch Tyler in the side of the face. He stumbled back and I gasped. David shoved him away and Brian and Evan kicked him in the leg, making him fall to the ground. Everyone crowded around my boyfriend.

"9 against 1. Make the dumb choice so I have an excuse please," Marcel said, getting ready in case my boyfriend made the wrong choice. He got up, face twisted in a snarl. He looked over the guys and straight at me before leaving the room. I let out a breath I didn't realized I was holding in and let a single tear fall.

The guys turned around and came over to me. Del wiped the loose tear away from my face and everyone put me in the middle of a big group hug. They were all careful not to hurt me though. I let another tear fall. It was a tear of happiness though. These guys were my family, and they saved me from getting beat my ex again. And Del, he had done more for me in one day than my boyfriend ever did in his entire life. 

"Thank you for saving me," I whispered, letting another tear fall. They pulled away and Lui wiped the tears away.

"You're family, we aren't gonna let anything bad happen to you," Brock said, hands in his pockets and a smile on his lips. I smiled back. 

"So," Evan said, looking at everyone. "Who wants pizza?" 

The room was filled with calls of excitement and agreement. I also joined in. That night, we all chowed down on pizza and talked about stupid things in the hospital room. I smiled as I looked at everyone either sitting in chairs or on the floor. God, I love my family. 

A/n: I hope you guys liked it. It took me forever to finally get an idea of how I wanted this all to go down, but it's finally here now! Yay! Talk to you guys later! 


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