Mabel fears

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This was a question from my dear friend Jinx713 Mabel what is your worst fear?

Tori:Mabel come on just say it my friend is still waiting!...
Mabel:I won't say it!...
Mabel:because it's my worst fear it gives me chills!...
Dipper:she won't say it...
Mabel:ok ok...just for the fandom!
*everyone in the room is silent*
Mabel:slow motion animation!...AAAAAAHHHH!!!!*hides in a closet and gets in basketball of her sweaters*
Tori:I didn't expect her to be this afraid :-?!...
Raven:shell come out eventually right?
Greg:maybe never?
Star:I'm reletless...*sigh*
* a week later*
Mabel still in the closet and they all have theory she lost her sanity in there! (Like she went insane don't think wrong peepezz)

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