"mr. styles!"

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Harry's POV (whew yes)

pain shot up my back. I needed to scream but still couldn't!!!

"mr. styles!" the nurse shouted.

my head pounded, my arms ached, my legs were cold, my hands were like concrete and I felt as if I couldn't move them.

my eyes finally shot open. the light stung.

"augh." I choked. I started coughing and trying to keep up with my fast breathing.

I'm not dead. holy shit I'm alive!

"Harold?? okay stay calm lay back down. uh try to slow down or breathing..... I need a doctor and his mother on the phone!" her yelling pieced my ears.

I felt like a baby. "mrsh- I nedd helps." I couldn't speak.

I started yelling. which made the nurse freak out that I was freaking out.

after about 10 whole minutes of freaking out and other shit, it went quiet. it was almost midnight, my mother came.

"Harry, baby, how are you? are you alright. oh it's so great to see you I was so worried oh...." she blabbed on, so I tuned her out.

now with my eyes open, I could feel and see something in my hand.

"I need alone time." I stuttered out.

"Harry- oh. well alright. I'll be back in the room after talking to your doctor."

she left her purse, which I hoped had my phone in it and me alone.

I opened the paper in my hand.

it was louis.

"Louis?" I asked myself.

Dear Harry,

Are you dead? no offense but you really look dead in my opinion. I saw your face though, and that was great enough. I missed your smile, and your precious voice. sorry I ran, well I'm going to run after I write this, and sorry this is on a napkin. I love you very much. I'm still at the antique shop. all the love, lou

I cannot believe he came. it was really him. all this time of almost dying and being worried and wanting to just be with him and see him, and he was here. he's just always missing and I hate it.

"I want out of this goddamned hospital!"

Holy crap did I just yell that?! oh my goodness my mother was in the room too.

"is that how you really feel?" my mom choked.

"mum? uh yes I don't like it here. I want to get out of here alone. but you obviously won't let that happen." I scoffed.

"here's your phone, passport, money, and car keys to my car. I'll call a taxi. I had a feeling you would pull this. screw you harry. I love you still." my mom picked up her purse and threw the items at me.

my stomach dropped and my heart began to beat at a fast pace.

"mum are you serious?!" tears yelled up in my eyes. she nodded.

"I I am sorry! mum please don't go! I'm still in so much pain and I don't know what to do. I'm only 17! and it seems like I have my whole life figured out and that's what I feel but but just don't go and.." I paused to wipe my tears and when I looked back at the door, she was gone.

letters from lou - l.s. CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now