Always Be Specific When You Lie

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Sammis POV----
"Good morning handso-" I began to say as I stretched out and threw my arm casually over Tony's bare chest. "She's right here boss! Her and Abby came over for uh, for coffee that's all, here you go!" Tony practically threw my phone at me as I realized what was going on and the lies quickly formed in my head. Tony rushed to put clothes on as if Uncle Jethro could see through the phone and when Uncle Jethro's voice came through on the other line I had a choice to make. "Sammi! Are you even listening to me?" Uncle Jethro snapped as I focused back in on reality. "Uh yeah, yeah, I stayed with Abby last night so we can, we can be there soon, don't worry" There was a silence on the phone and a half dressed Tony frozen in the middle of the floor. My Uncle Jethro was pissed and I knew there would only be one way to make him believe that I hadn't spend the night at Tony's. I grabbed a pen and wrote a note for Tony that read 'call Abby, send her to pick me up' and as he left the room I said "Uncle Jethro?" His voice cut through me with its sharpness as he said "what."
"Uncle Jethro, I wanna tell everyone today. Abby already knows, but I wanna tell everyone."
This quickly changed the focus of his attention as he said "you've only been here a few weeks, are you sure?"
"Yeah Uncle Jetheo. You were right, how can I expect to have any real relationships with these people if I don't tell them who I am?"
He took a deep breath and said "what about Tony?"
"What about him?" I began, "we're just flirty friends now but once he finds this out his interest is gonna crash and besides I already told you I thought you were right when you said we would destroy each other."
There was a pause and my Uncle Jethro said "I'll see you in a bit" and shortly after there was the click of the phone call ending.

Tony's POV----
My conversation with Abby was fast consisting of me saying "I answered Sammi's phone when Gibbs called, you need to be here now." And her reply of course being "holy shit, be there in 5." When I hung up Sammi walked out of my bedroom with one of my button up shirts on and swayed her hips temptingly. "How does Mr.Very Special Agent feel about breakfast?" She asked as she turned to the kitchen. In a stupor I struggled to get out any words but managed "good....gibbs?" Sammi smiled a bit and said "close one huh? I got it covered but uh....well he doesn't know that you know and I just told him I was gonna tell everyone today so you're gonna have to.....yknow." "Don't worry" I said, "I'm still just as shocked as before."

Sammi seemed a little uncomfortable the whole morning but I didn't worry too much about it. I mean, who wouldn't be stressed after that morning! I, on the other hand, had to figure out how to not look like I just had sex the night before with the most beautiful....I mean, uh...."Tony?" Sammi's voice suddenly snapped me back to my kitchen as I said "what, thanks" and accepted a plate full of pancakes. "Tony, were you even listening to me?" I gulped down some coffee and pancakes (which were freaking amazing by the way) and admitted that I hadn't heard a word. Before Sammi had the chance to re-explain herself there was a knock on the door and she said "saved by the bell DiNozzo." When she opened the door it was Abby and the first thing she said was "he knows" which I assume meant that Abby knew. "He knows" Abby said shocked and then, looking at me and back at Sammi, "and you guys still got hinky!" It was like she was excited or something about the fact that I slept with Gibbs' niece. "So now what?" We all sorta stayed where we were for a second and then Sammi said, "now, we eat breakfast."

Sammi's POV---

I'll admit, I really liked Tony, and the night before wasn't like some one time thing, I really liked Tony. We all ate breakfast and then headed to the office where I told everyone I had an announcement to make. "I'm not who you all think I am" I began, directing myself toward everyone but with special attention toward Tony because there was more than one message to this story. "I mean, I am, just not in relation to who you think I am...What I'm getting at here is that Gibbs isn't Gibbs to me....He's my Uncle Jethro." Just like at Tony's the night before the words hung in the air thickly, but then it all seemed to diffuse as Ellie and McGee smiled and Ducky said "I knew you seemed familiar!" I finally released my breath as the tension faded and they all started questioning me about Gibbs before NCIS but as I looked around I noticed a missing face. Two actually...My Uncle Jethro and Tony were gone. "I uh, I'll be right back guys, I'm gonna go get a drink" I said to the faces surrounding my exit but eventually I made it to the break room.

"Nothing's gonna happen boss, I understand." I overheard Tony say, and then my Uncle Jethro began with "last night DiNozzo?" Before Tony could open his mouth I busted into the room saying "there you guys are" as if I hadn't heard a thing. Tony looked really upset and Uncle Jethro didn't seem much happier. Uncle Jethro stood up and said "you two better have a talk" as he walked toward the door. When he walked past me my Uncle Jethro whispered into my ear "you can't lie to me Sammi, remember that." And he was right. I never could lie to the people I loved...Maybe that's why I couldn't lie to Tony. I sat down across from him.

"You've been acting weird since this morning" he said.

"I know, I'm sorry it's just that-"

"Every time I think we're making some kind of progress or connection you start acting weird and now I know this about you and Gibbs...I mean, he's my boss! And I just...I don't know where we go from here yknow?"

"I know. I don't really know where we should go from here either, but I do wanna be with you."

"Then we tell Gibbs that."

"What? No....I can't tell Gibbs that Tony are you crazy?"

"Then we can't be together. I can't lie to him."

"Neither can I but it's not lying really, just...keeping a secret..."

I was losing this battle with Tony and it was so obvious but I couldn't just let him go like that. I really did love him and I began to tell him that as he said "I can't stop thinking about you. I can't lie to my boss and I don't like keeping secrets from him, but maybe we should just keep 'us' quiet until we decide if it's gonna work out yknow? That way it's just for a while until we're comfortable." I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, "I want this to work Tony and I promise that if it does I'll tell Uncle Jethro myself and I'll tell him that you wanted him to know from the start."

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