ten | alone

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Song: Warrior - Demi Lovato

ten | alone


"Sophia, what do you feel, inside, not physically?" The melodic voice of my Doctor Diane said as she injected yet another needle into my arm.

I shrugged and flinched a bit due to the pain shooting up my arm from the needle, "Sad." 

"Can you elaborate on that please?" She said, her voice flooding through my brain. Footsteps entered into the room and I heard the squeaking of leather as someone sat in the chair across the room.

I gingerly began tying my hair up in a messy bun atop my head, "I feel like one of those people who are so miserable that they can't be around normal people." I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, I never thought I'd be telling someone this, but here I am, spilling what I feel to a stranger whose just going to diagnose me with some form of depression, "I feel like I'm infecting all the happy people; like I'm a miserable disease." 

I smiled to myself, it felt good speaking like this, like no one was listening yet I knew someone was, "I breathe in, I breathe out. I feel nothing, I feel no difference. I can only describe myself as broken and blind; my mind is empty, as is my heart. I feel nothing. I breathe in. I breath out. My heart beats. I breathe in, but now? I want my heart to stop."

The click of a recorder sounds, yet I continue, "I remember times like when my dad and I would go to work with my Mum, we'd wait in the back until she finished her weather woman duties, I'd always play with the makeup; I loved pasting the lip stick everywhere." I smiled as the memory flooded in. "I remember her telling dad to to let it be whenever there was an issue, my mum was so incredibly strong, I wish some of that strength had rubbed off on me. I wish I was like her."

"But you are." A new voice that had a slight familiar tone said, "You are stronger than you know."

Before I could question who was speaking, his voice picked up again, "You're a huge pessimist, and it makes me laugh because of how depressed you make yourself believe you are. A lot of what passes for depression these days are merely a helpless body saying that it needs work."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

A deep chuckle rang through the room, "You'll see." 

A throat was cleared causing me to open my ears out for any other sounds of interaction, "Sophia, I'd like you to meet Ed, he's your partner." The smirk was heard on her face, "The help center and I have started a new project, we call it the Me and You system." The sloshing of water and a small gulp came from her, "You have been paired with Ed."

I nodded slowly, "Is there any reason why?" 

"Well actually there is, you see, Ed isn't your everyday guy, you were the best pair for him because of who he is."

I folded my arms, "Are you some sort of serial killer and you don't want me to see him?" I asked, a cold humor hinting my voice, "If so, I demand a different person."

Both of their laughter collided into an awkward tone laugh, "No, you see, Ed is-"

"Not now." He stated dismissively.

"Okay." She said not pressing any further into her previous comment.

Wow, this guy was good.

I sighed, "So how does this Me and You system play out?" 

Blinded // DiscontinuedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora