seventeen | in the rain (mini update)

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please read the authors note at the end. I also want to repeat that this book is based on mental disorders and although things may seem more on the possessed side, mental disorders are one of the most questioned types of of disorders. many believe that a mental disorder is actually a demon holding a brain captive. in the end what you choose to believe is your decision, but this story will not follow that path. its all about the mind being a very scary place. thank you :)

previously in blinded...

I hung onto Ed for dear life and tried so badly to shut out the voice of the girl. He squeezed me in his arms and tried to get me to stand up, but I was frozen with fear.

The girl continued shrieking words I couldn't decipher, but only one thing stood out. I doubt anyone else recognized it, but I did.

She was screaming for help, because she heard the whispers in her head.

seventeen | in the rain (mini update!)


It had been exactly an hour since we were pushed out of the room. In that hour, we were mandated to sit in the safe room and sort our thoughts. The man over the monitor said that an event like that could be detrimental to treatments, hence us sitting here in the room.

"What are you thinking?" Ed randomly asked, much like Liam did hours ago.

I chuckled softly, "Why do you ask?"

"Someone once told me, to understand a persons life, you must understand their thoughts." He snapped the gum in his mouth, "I want to understand you."

I inwardly smiled. He didn't want to get to know me like Liam did, he wanted to understand me. He wanted to understand the things going through my brain, not know why I am the way I am.

I chewed the insides of my lip, "The girl back in the room." I said lowly.

"Me too." He confessed, "The look on her face.. I'll never be able to unsee that." He shifted uneasily, "She was terrified."

"How did she look?" I questioned, pushing away my jealousy for his ability to see, even things he didn't want to.

"She looked like she was about to meet her creator." The small seat that we shared moved with his nervous movements, "She was in a fight with herself, but the side that was hidden won." His breath hit the side of my cheek when he turned and spoke, "Her eyes were empty and hollow, I'll never forget the emptiness."

I nodded slowly. I didn't know how to reply, so instead I stayed quiet and revelled in the sound of his deep breathing. I listened to the rhythmic sound of each inhale and matched mine with his. Every time I inhaled, he exhaled, leaving us in rotation of the recycled air in the room.

"I like this." He stated.


"This." He chuckled, "Just sitting here and being able to think without them questioning me."

"I don't like just thinking," I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling suddenly cold, "Sometimes I need the noise distracting me from what's in my own mind."

"I'd rather listen to my dark thoughts than listen to people pretend to know me. For example, I doubt the people here think about us as much as they claim to. They're getting paid to listen to us complain, and in some cases they get paid to watch the person silence themselves for a whole hour or two."

I felt the sudden urge to defend the woman who'd been with me years prior, "Yes, but sometimes we need someone to talk to."

"Yet we shut ourselves out." He said, chuckling dryly, "When I heard that they were doing something like this, two people in a close age group, just talking, I asked to be put in the program. I knew that it'd be easier talking to someone else that wasn't asking generic questions that do nothing."

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