two | safe

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This chapter was my worst I believe, so I edited and hopefully made it better!

two . safe

The ride to Harry's flat was long. I found myself fidgeting with my fingers the whole time. Anna kept humming the tune to a song I've never heard, it became quite memorable after the while of the drive.

"We're here!" She exclaimed, "Do you want to come out?"

I shook my head. That's the last thing I want. I would not want to infect anyone, would I?

"I'll just stay in here. I think I'd be more comfortable in the silence." I said with a small smile.

I know she was sending a sad smile my way, "I'll only be a few minutes, fifteen at most." She rubbed my shoulder slightly, "I'm not locking the car door so if you change your mind you can come." I felt the draft of her door open then close slowly after.

I leaned my head against the cool glass and absentmindedly started humming.

Help, I have done it again.
I have been here many times before.
Hurt myself again today,
and the worst part is there is no one else to blame.
Be my friend, hold me.
Wrap me up, unfold me.
I am small, and needy.
Warm me up, and breathe me.

The door opened them slammed shut. "You're back already?" I said turning towards the drivers side. I took a breath in, something was wrong. This wasn't Anna, she did not smell this way.

Anna usually smelt like cheap perfume and expensive hair products. This person smelt of dirt, sweat, and cologne. It was a horrible mix.

The person who sat in front of me was breathing heavily and his breath didn't exactly smell like a bucket of roses. I lent my back to the door and put my hands behind me in search for the handle.

"Where do you think you're going?" The husky male voice asked. His tone was deep and demanding. Familiar if I must say.

"Who are you." I asked, my heart practically beating out of my chest. He could hear how fast it beat, I just knew it.

"No one." I felt a slight draft coming towards me. Without hesitation a large hand cupped my left cheek as the other stuffed something in my mouth. I tried to scream, but due to my situation, it was nearly impossible without suffocating myself. I rubbed the many buttons on the door looking for the handle, but his hands grabbed my wrists and brought them towards him.

"Leave me alone!" I attempted to scream, but it sounded more enclosed. My hands were then restricted to the handle I did not know it had on the ceiling of the car.

A deep chuckle came from the man, "Don't you remember me?" He asked whilst running his fingers impatiently up the length of my arm, "I've been watching you for so long ever since I saw you that that gorgeous girl you're with. I knew it was you when I saw those beautiful eyes." His grim hands slowly stroked my cheek.

I shuddered and closed my eyes tightly trying to match his voice with a face. How could I remember him? The last time I was with my father was when I was still a toddler.

His hand slowly trailed down to my neck and drew patterns as my body quivered uncomfortably under his touch. To say I was afraid was an understatement. I was completely and utterly terrified.

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