eighteen | veneration

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comment of the chapter:

@itsskateeee: I really like this book because it seems so real. A couple chapters back when she was in the rain with Liam, I cried. I love to read, therefore I read a lot & it's hard to find a story that isn't a cliche, so to say. But this book, it's just so raw. It's not like anything I've read before, where they dwell on the bad thing that they have in their life, in this case Sophia's blindness. She's upset with it, of course, & she's sad at times, but it seems as if there's hope & she's slowly letting people in. I know that it was hard for her at first, but seeing her now with Ed & Liam is breathtaking. Truly great story, & thank you for that.

THIS COMMENT WAS SO PERFECT. All of your comments legit made me so so sooo happy!

previously in blinded...

As he sang, I listened to the words behind the music. They were straight from the heart - his very broken one.

"Ed, are you sad?" I asked the boy.

"Indeed I am."

eighteen | veneration


Silence surrounded us. The nothingness continuously slammed against my ears, making the quiet come to be unbearable. The labyrinth called my mind moved in fast forward, yelling incoherent words that I couldn't decipher.

I let out a pained plea as a headache so painful ripped through my skull. It targeted everywhere but the mole of my head, and that made the pain even worse, knowing that one part of me was perfectly fine.

"Are you okay?" He asked anxiously, "What hurts?"

I tried to speak, but words weren't forming. I lifted my arms and placed them on my head, after much effort. My arms felt like boulders were heavily resting on each of them, restraining all movement.

Ask me what was happening, and I would reply with an, "I don't know."

I don't know how I so randomly got a headache so violent that it immobilized my whole body.

Every second that passed, the racket in my brain increased. I instantaneously held my breath to reduce the pain, but that led me to coughing, and the cough shook my headache even more.

It was then that I noticed my head was laid on a lap and my arms were draped across the fabric of the bed. I felt the strikingly soothing sensation of Ed's fingers gently coasting the area of my head. Although the headache still hit me, and continued to increase its intensity by the second, I tried focusing my mind on his fingers. They provided a temporary distraction - for a little while.

A minute later my body contorted inwardly as the headache hit its peak. I clawed the sheets while a gutted and throat-scratching scream left my lips. His hands pulled me to his, tightly holding me to his chest

Then at a sudden, it all stopped.

The repeated banging in my head was gone, and so were the voices. Ed's arms were still around me, in which I let myself melt. I felt my guard falling as did the tears, "What's happening to me?" I cried with a shaky voice.

His hand pulled me closer, holding me firmly in a protective grip, "I don't know." He whispered, sounding equally as shaken up, "I really don't know."

I faintly remember him laying me on the bed and placing the blanket over me. I felt his presence hover over me, like he was analyzing me in depth. Minutes later his footsteps took him out the room.

I felt empty in the room that smelt much like him. Wrapping myself deeper into the warmth of the duvet, I fell asleep, breathing in the faint scent of the boy who did not know.

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