The Judge

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Omg I can't believe it in just so excited i dont even know why though. Ok let's get into this next chapter -infinite <3

Brendon's POV
I knew there was something wrong with this kid. What did he say his name was? Oh yeah... Tyler. He's so weird... But then again aren't we all? I don't even know what I'm doing...
"Brendon?! I asked you a question!!!!" Oh shit...
"Can you please repeat it?" I asked Mr. Deltiin.
"You see kids, this is what happens when you are a basket case. Brendon, out of my classroom now." Mr. Deltiin replied. I was shocked. But then I noticed the principal in the corner taking notes. Mr. Deltiin is usually nice. Ugh. Teachers are so fake around the principal. I got up and left with my stuff. I didn't know where I was going. I just let my feet take me wherever. I ran into Josh on accident. I guess my thoughts took over a little bit.
"Sorry bro," I said. He didn't respond. What a jackass. I just kept walking.
Soon enough the bell rang and it was time to go to 2nd period. I quickly moved on to Music Appreciation . Tyler was there too. I figured we had the same schedule because he was in my 3rd and 4th period as well. The day finally came to a close and we were let out of that hell hole they call a school. I went home and chilled. I also did homework but I didn't have much to do. Then I went to bed cause I wasn't that hungry for dinner. Ugh. Why did we have school tomorrow.

________________________Sorry, these pages have been really short. The truth is, I'm just lazy. Also I'm going through a writers block rn so it's hard to come up with Joshler ideas. Also... You guys need to read Twenty One Tacos because the end is awkward and I need you to know how I feel... I'm sooooooo awkward, why are you even reading this? I dont know, you have something wrong with you if you are reading this... But then again... I have so many problems. I can't even... Sorry... Baiiiiii Beautiful Senpais!!!!!!!!!!

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