Barbie's Back

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When Lacey looked over the pot to turn the knob on the stove the doll pushed open the door of the cabinet and pushed a load of heavy pots and pans. When they fell on the back of her head it pushed her face into the boiling pot of water. Lacey picked her head up and started to scream. The skin on her face was melting off from the heat and Lacey was running into things while she screamed in agony. Ken ran into the apartment to see what the heck was going on. Then Lacey fell to the floor shaking then she stopped. "Oh my....Lacey..." Ken fell to his knees besides Lacey. Lacey was dead. "What the hell happened?" Ken looked up and the pot wasn't boiling and the knife was still on the counter. Ken's was sobbing in his hands. Then the barbie dropped to the floor without a sound and sneaked out of the door. Ken picked up the phone and called 911. "Yea my girlfriend....her's gone please hurry I think she's dead...Oh my....Lacey " The Ken hung up the phone and cried once more. In no time the police and ambulance rushed in the apartment and attended to Lacey. The police guided Ken outside and started asking him questions. "What happened here sir"? "Well last thing I know I was running outside after I gave Lacey the envelope." "What envelope?"....

Short Story 2: Barbie's BackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora