Barbie's Back

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"Oh my...what....?" Nancy said as she pulled out a ruined dirty barbie doll. "Howdy ma'am can I filler up for ya"? "Oh my gosh!" Nancy shouted as she dropped the doll. "You scared me to death." "Sorry about that ma'am.", an old scruffy gentleman said. "Yes please use this." Nancy pulled out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to the old man. "Thank you kindly." Then the old man proceeded to "filler' up". Nancy remembered she had dropped the doll and began looking for it. While she was looking in the car the doll and crawled into the frame of the car and cut the brake lines. Then the barbie laid on the ground acting as if it were real. "Oh,there you are." nancy picked it up and put it quickly back in the package. "I'm back. What was in the package"? "Oh nothing important." "O.K. then let's go! I'm starving." Nancy started the car and off they went. As they were driving down the street an old homeless person was walking in the street. "What is this guy doing"? Morgan said. "Nancy slow down." "I'm trying." "What are you doing Nancy, slow down!" "I can't,I can't!" Then Nancy saw another car coming and was had the brake pedal all the way to the floor board. "What are you doing slow down!" Morgan screamed. Then they both started screaming as they were about to hit the homeless man and the truck. Crash! The truck slammed into the side of Nancy's car and sent Morgan flying out the window and scrapping onto the street.

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