Barbie's Back

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Pedestrians walking by saw the accident and starting walking up towards the accident to see if anyone survived. They started to call 911. "911 what is your emergency?" "Yea um there's an accident and the two people are...on the road, I think they're dead." The operator told them to wait if the passengers moved at all. "How did this happen"? Some joggers asked each other. As soon as they finished asking themselves, the ambulance and police arrived. The E.M.Ts  ran out of their truck and swarmed towards Nancy and Morgan. Trying everything they could to see what happened and soon they said it was fatal. They had put white sheets over the bodies. The blood soaked and stained the sheets. News reporters were swarming the area. The chief of police arrived and looked around with the detectives. "Over here!" 5 police men scrambled over to the evidence lying on the ground. "It's a yellow envelope sir." "It seems to have been untouched." The police officer put on a rubber glove and picked up the envelope. "There seems to be a hair on it." The officer put it closer to his face to further inspect it. "It's black. It could be human, let's get it into the lab." The officer handed it over to lab technician and took off his glove. Shaking his head the officer said, "It's a shame."

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