Chapter 1

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“It’s not fair! I do not want my best friend to leave for a year for a stupid school!”

“Aww Lee, I’ll miss you so much when I’m gone. I literally don’t know how I’m going to handle myself!”

“That’s the problem Lil, you wont be able to! So new plan, you stay here and go to college with me!”

“STAHPPP, you’re going to make me cry and I’m all cried out!”

I was getting ready to leave my best friend Levi and my family tomorrow to attend the University of Leeds in England. I was going to be studying film because it was basically my entire life. I was going to be leaving my small town in Tennessee to attend school in a big English city!

I grew up loving film. I started watching vloggers on YouTube since YouTube basically started. I finally got tired of just watching and wanted to start being a part of it; so I did.

I have been a youtuber for about 3 years now under the name “TigerrLilli.” I had a pretty good following of about 300,000 or so subscribers. I have to admit though that so many people tuning into watch me once a week was awesome and frightening at the same time. But I loved it and it’s what I wanted to pursue in life so Leeds was the place for me.

My parents were extremely reluctant about letting me go. The only true reason they were was because my cousin Mazz would also be attending and they thought he could watch over me (even though I was older than him). They also wanted me to have the best film education I could get and after a year of research, Leeds seemed like the best fit.

“I know you hate me right now, but will you help me finish packing?”

“Fine, but i wont enjoy it!” Levi said trying to hold back some sniffles.

Zzzzz Zzzzz. I heard my phone buzzing from across my room and I ran over to grab it. It was my boyfriend Griffin.

“Hey babe!”

“Uh hey sweetheart, can you come over some point today? I need to talk to you before you leave.”

“Of course! I HAVE to see you before I leave tomorrow.”

“Yea. Can you come over soon?”

“Um..yea sure. Is everything ok?”

“Yea. I’ll see you a little later ok?”

“Alright. Love you.”

“You too”

“Well that was strange.”

“What happened?”

“Griffin wants me to come see him but he was being very distant.”

“He’s probably just sad and wants to get one last little thing before you leave.” she said winking. “Go see him real quick and I’ll stay here and finish getting your stuff ready.”

“You really are the best Lee.”

“I know babe, I know”

I quickly drove to Griffin’s house not knowing what to expect. I hope Levi was right about what she said. I got to his house and just walked in the front door. Griffin and I have been dating for a year and a half now so I was just part of the family.


“I’m in my room” he yelled from upstairs.

“Hi, is everything ok?”

He motioned for me to sit on the bed next to him. He took my hand in his and took a deep breath.

“Look Lil, I love you so much and you know that and I’m so happy that you’re going to Leeds but..” he trailed off.

“But what..?”

“I don’t think we will work out. You’ll be on a different continent, thousands of miles away. It just.. we cant…”

Tears instantly welled up in my eyes. I was trying so hard to hold it back.

“Babe, Lilli, please don’t. I’m so sor-

“You know Griffin, it’s ok. If you want to just give up on us and throw everything away that’s fine.”

“I’m not throwing it away!”

I got up and walked towards his bedroom door before leaving I turned around, “You wont even try..” and proceeded to leave.

“LILLI please WAIT” I could hear him yell as I walked out the front door slamming it.


I got back home and Levi was still there putting things into bags.

“So what happened?” she said without turning around to look at me.

When I didn’t respond, she turned around quickly and without me having to say a word, she ran up and gave me a hug. She didn’t even need me to tell her what had just happened, she already knew.

She sat there holding me while we sat on the floor until I was literally all cried out.

‘You need to just forget about him Lil. I know it’s hard but you have to finish packing and then we need to go to sleep. You have an early flight in the morning.”

She was right. So we finished packing up all my stuff and had out last sleepover ever for at least a year. I was going to miss her so much.


We woke up terribly early to get me to the airport. I was accompanied by my mom and dad and one of my three older brothers and of course Lee.

We got to the gate and it was time for the worst moment of my life.

“Lilli, I am so proud of you. I will miss you more than anything. You’re my only little girl, but I know you’ll be safe and you’ll have tons of fun.”

“I’ll miss you too mom. Ill be sure to text you all the time!”

“You better stay close to Mazz when you first get there and until you know your way around. We don’t need you getting kidnapped in another country.”

“I’ll make sure to dad” I said letting out a little laugh.

“God Lil, you’re so lucky and I’m going to miss you annoying me all the time. It’s going to be a pretty quiet place around mom and dad’s now.”

“I’ll definitely miss annoying you Harry. Take care of mom and pop” I said to my older brother giving him a long hug as the tears began to stream out.

It was time to say goodbye to Levi. I honestly couldn’t even look at her. We have been friends ever since we met on the the first day of middle school which was 7 and a half years ago. She was my rock, she helped me through anything and everything and we pretty much never left each others side.

“I hate you so much.”

“STAHPP” I said in a whiny voice. She just laughed. That was something we always said to each other.

“We will have Skype dates and I will call you every day and text you non stop if you want. Who cares about the time difference.”

“I do want you to call me and text me nonstop everyday, I don’t want our friendship to fade Lil.”

“It wont if I have anything to do with it.”

There was a call over the intercom that my plane was boarding. I hugged everyone again and told them I loved them. Before I was out of their sight, I turned around and waved a solemn wave as tears streamed down my face. I had to do this. I needed to do this. I turned back and made my way to my new life.


Yay chapter one. I wanted to get everything out of the way in chapter one. I hope you enjoy this one. I really like it so far. If you are actually reading it, let me know with likes or something. The more likes I get, the more frequently I will post because that means I’m actually writing for someone other than myself!

EDIT: I have this posted on tumblr along with my other fanfics,, so you can go read there if you would like. I got a request to put them here!

Love you guys :)

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