Chapter 6

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I really didn’t want to go out. At all. So I just continued to sit and scroll through Tumblr. I was thinking of some new video ideas. It was almost time to post. I posted every Saturday and it was Thursday, I needed something. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door.

“Can I literally not have a moment of peace?” I said under my breath. I went to open the door and there stood Finn.

“Hey there babe,” he said as he walked through the door.

“Sure you can come in..”

“Looks like we will be together again tonight.”

“Too bad I’m not going. I do not want to hang out with you Finn. I never have and I never want to again.

“What is your problem? Why do you hate me so much?”

“Because you’re so stuck up your own ass. You’re just some sort of man whore walking around picking up girls, hooking up, and then dropping them like flies. I saw what you did to that Georgia girl. You think you’re some sort of Greek god and everyone should worship you. But I see right through it.”

“If you would give me more than just a night I could show you that I’m not like that!”

“I don’t need you to show me Finn. I know exactly how you are.”

“How? By watching my YouTube videos?” He pushed me up against the wall and he started to raise his voice.

“You’re really going to have to stop doing that…”

“By looking at what’s on Twitter or Tumblr about me? You don’t know me Lilli and I don’t know you but I want that to change.

“Did you really not know who I was when you took advantage of me last night?”

“Whoa whoa whoa, I didn’t take advantage of you. And yes I knew who you were as soon as I ran into you, I was just putting up a front. Me and Jack watch your videos. Now can you please just give me a chance?!”

“What for Finn? Why do you want to get to know me so bad?” He backed away from me letting me come off of the wall. I just stared at him waiting for an answer.

“Because.. when Jack showed me a video of you.. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. There’s just something about you Lilli. You’re pretty, nice, and.. different. I know I don’t know you but I really want to. And If I took advantage of you last night, I am truly sorry. I thought it’s what you wanted. I want to start over Lilli. Like last night never happened.

This definitely isn’t the Finn that I despised. This Finn was nice and caring. He was genuine and endearing.

“Fine. I’ll give you a chance. But you have got to stop pushing me into walls.”

“Haha deal.”

“Well since I am going out tonight, I need to get ready. So If you’ll excuse me…”

“Oh yea, sure, sorry. I’ll see you in a bit Lil,” and he left my room winking at me once again.


I decided to go simple with a red lace dress and some brown booties. I bought when I went out today. My hair was tied up in a bun with a french braid in the back.

About an hour later I heard a knock at my door.

“It’s open!” I yelled while I was still putting on my shoes.


“Hey Zoe!”

“What the hell happened to you last night?”

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