Chapter 7

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Two weeks later:

Classes were starting soon and I was both excited and dreading it. I was all settled and loving my little tiny space in Leeds.

I’ve been hanging around Alfie more than anyone else it seems. There was just something about him that made me comfortable and  happy. I mean I didn’t like him like that, we were just really goo friends. We had movie nights almost every night. Then we would stay the night in each others room. He was without a doubt my best friend here.

I haven’t seen Sam or Zoe lately though. They did end up becoming official after they had their date. I was so happy for them. Sam lived in London so he wasn’t here like everyday. Zoe and Jane have their own flat outside of campus so I only saw them every few days.

Mazz and I hung out everyday. I’m so glad he’s here with me. I still haven’t told him about me and Finn. I don’t think I ever could. He would probably freak out anyway. It’s not something that needed to be shared.

Speaking of Finn, I’ve sort of kept my distance. We hung out a couple of days and he texted me a lot but I still wasn’t sure how I felt about him. I knew he liked me, that’s why I didn’t see him much, I didn’t want to lead him on. He made me happy but I didn’t really want to get into with him. I knew the shit storm that we would both receive if we ever really got together from our fans. But I didn’t want to think about it anymore. I was about to head over to Alfie’s room for one of our last movie nights before classes started. I texted him to let him know I was on my way.

-Hey bud, on my way to your room

-about that. there’s been a location change.

-to where?

-Finn’s room

-totally didn’t see that one coming

-I’m sorry Lilli but Peyton is coming too and you know how much I like her. I didn’t want to cancel so I just made it a group thing.

-you could have picked Mazz’s room? or Joe’s?

-Mazz is with Jane and Joe is at Zoe’s

-fine. I’m on my way there

-ill be there in a second

I was just in my usual attire for movie nights. Sweat pants and a hoodie. I wasn’t going to change just because I was going to be in front of people other than Alfie. I didn’t care, I just wanted to be comfortable.

I left my room and made my way towards Finn’s. I knocked on his door and he answered rather quickly.

"Oh hey there."


"Come on in. Neither Peyton or Alfie are here yet."

"Oh alright."

I haven’t been in Finn’s room since my first night here and I couldn’t see what it looked like because it was dark. It was almost exactly like mine except it hand a different layout. It also looked like a typical boys room. I could tell he tried to clean it up a bit by the pile of clothes in the corner.

"Nice room you got here.. now that I can actually see it."

"Thanks. Ill give you a tour. This is my bed… and that’s about it." He jumped on his bed and landed in the ‘paint me like one of your French girl’ pose and looked at me.

"You’re such an idiot," I said laughing.

"Yes, but I made you laugh."

He got up and walked over towards me. He got so close that our faces were inches apart. I knew what was coming next and I didn’t really want to stop it but it was interrupted anyway by Alfie and Peyton walking through the door. We separated before they saw us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2013 ⏰

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