Chapter 4

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We were all ready to go. I had straightened out my curly hair so it was straight and had lots of volume. Since I didn’t go clubbing ever, I didn’t have any tight slutty dresses, so I just put on the shortest dress I had. A nice teal one with a little lace with cream colored booties with heels that I had to borrow from Jane because I didn’t wear heels.

A few minutes later we heard a knock at the door. I opened it to Mazz, Joe, and Alfie standing there with big grins on their face giggling to one another.

“Wow, you guys couldn’t even wait until we got to the club to start drinking.” Zoe said rolling her eyes.

They were already a bit buzzed and were laughing at something. Who even knows..

We didn’t feel like walking to the club so we got a cab. One we arrived at the club, my shyness and nervousness started to kick in. We approached the door and had to wait in a line. We finally got to the front of the line, had our IDs checked and walked in. The music was loud and it was really dark. Alfie and Joe went straight to the middle of the dance floor, followed by Jane and Mazz. Zoe and I just went over to the bar.

“How about you order my first drink or shot or whatever you call it since I have no idea what I am doing.” I had to almost yell.

“I got you covered!”

She ordered us two shots a piece of some kind of vodka something. Whatever it was I could tell that it was strong. She downed her two pretty quickly while I could barely get through one.

“You finish that and I’m going to find Sam! He said he would come so I need to go look for him!”

“ZOE! Wait! No.. I don’t..!”

“You’ll be fine!” she yelled already walking away.

So I was just left alone, at a club, my first night out in a new country, all by myself. I decided to just stay in one place until someone came back over to me. I stood there watching my new friends Alfie and Joe dance like lunatics when I felt someone staring at me. I glanced over to see that it was a boy. I couldn’t tell if he was cute or not because it was so dark but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and put on a show for him. I downed the shot that was waiting for me and then ordered two more and took those while he was still staring. Before I knew it I was starting to feel warm and fuzzy. I was getting drunk. Next I went out on to the dance floor and started grinding all over some random guy. I looked back to where the boy was but he was now gone. I sighed and started to walk back to my spot at the bar when I felt to hands on my waist.

“Where are you going?”

I turned around to see the boys face who was staring at me before. I still couldn’t make out his face because my vision was a bit blurred from the shots. Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. I felt his hands on my waist again as he pulled me closer to him.

“You are so beautiful, I was hoping you would dance with me?” his lips now on my neck.

“I would love to,” and I pulled him back onto the dance floor.

I was for sure out of my comfort zone, but at this point I didn’t care. It was get over Griffin night and that’s exactly what I was going to do.

I turned around so we were both facing the same direction and pressed my butt hard up against him. I was a terrible dancer but I knew he enjoyed this because I could feel him getting excited. As the music started to get faster, I started to move my hips around more. I was suddenly turned around to face him and he pulled me extremely close, his hands on my butt. So close I could feel him growing even more in his pants.

He put his lips up to my ear and said “would you like to come back to my room with me?”

“I think that sounds wonderful.”

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