Chapter 5

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You slept with Finn Harries?!”

“I was so drunk Lee, I didn’t know it was him!”

“You hate him. How the heck could you not know?”

“I..I just didn’t. We live on the same floor. He sleeps two doors down from me! How am I going to avoid him now?”

“Just never leave your room.”

“Yea ill try that. Thanks for the help Levi. Ill text you later though. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

I still couldn’t get over the fact the I had a one night stand with Finn. I was just hoping that he didn’t recognize who I was because he was drunk too. I have to make sure our paths never cross again. Just then I heard a knock at my door. My heart dropped as I was hoping, praying, it wasn’t Finn. Luckily I opened the door to Mazz.

“Hey Lil.” he said whilst stepping in. “What happened to you last night? You were all of a sudden just gone. I was a bit worried.”

“Sorry Mazz, I just left and came to my room. I didn’t really like the whole clubbing thing.” I couldn’t let him know what happened. I didn’t want anyone to know except Levi, who would she tell?

“Oh I’m sorry. If you didn’t want to go you didn’t have to say yes.”

“Not its fine. No harm done.”

“Well I came up here to see if you wanted to go get some breakfast in the cafe with me and a few of the lads.”

“Yea, Ill be down in a minute.”

I needed to control myself before I went out in public. I just needed to forget the whole thing ever happened and hope to be lucky enough to never see him again, which I knew was next to impossible.

I changed my clothes and washed my face to get rid of all of last nights makeup. I didn’t have time to take a shower so I just threw my hair into a messy bun. I didn’t care to try and look cute. Not only was I dealing with what happened last night, I was also pretty hungover. So I just threw on some skinnies with a big sweater and some ugg slippers.

I somehow found my way down to the cafe. I still didn’t know the campus since I’ve only been here a day and a half. I decided to get some food before finding Mazz. I was starving. I didn’t know who he would be here with. He said “lads” so I’m guessing just Joe and Alfie.

I got my food and looked around when I heard someone yelling, practically screaming my name. I looked to my left to see Mazz waving his hands around like an idiot. He was sitting with three other boys and I could make out Joe and Alfie but I couldn’t tell who the other one was. As I got closer I could tell. It was him. Of course it had to be him. I couldn’t turn around and walk away because I was already to close and Mazz was walking towards me. So I just hoped that he didn’t recognize me and if he did he would keep his mouth shut.

“Hey you made it! I totally forgot you didn’t know your way here yet haha.”

“Yea thanks for that” I said jokingly.

“Well I want you to meet another friend of mine. This is Finn Harries. Finn this is Lilli.”

“Oooooh well it’s nice to meet you, Lilli.” He said with a wink. I just scowled at him.

“Do you two already know each other?”

“Well we-“

“NO!” I chimed in. Mazz looked at me weird and Finn just sat there smirking. “I mean we know of each other through YouTube. I’ve seen his videos and I’m sure he’s seen mine.”

“Oh yes, I have seen yours. They are quite good Lilli.”

“Thank you Finn. Well Mazz I’m going to go to my room. I just remembered I had somethings to do. So I’ll see you later. You too Joe, Alfie and ….Finn.”

“We will hang out later!” Mazz said as I started to hurry away. Jesus Christ I had to get out of there.

Right before I got back to my room I felt someone pull back my arm and push me into the wall. Luckily there was no one around.

“So your names Lilli AND you make YouTube videos,” Finn said as he put both of his hands on either side of my head so I was trapped. 

“Yes, now can you please move?”

“No. I want to talk a sec.”

“What do you want?”

“Actually I want you again. But why did you tell them we didn’t know each other after the fun night we had last night?”

“Maybe because I didn’t want my cousin Mazz to know I slept with Finn Harries.”

“Mazz is your cousin?” Why have I never heard of you before?”

“Probably it’s because you have you head stuck so far up your own ass. Now move.”

“Wow you’re a feisty one.” He moved his hands to let me go. “I’m sure I’ll see you around. Remember you said ‘maybe another time’, I’m holding you to that.” He said while slapping my butt.

“It was you!”


“You’re the boy I ran into yesterday. You touched my butt then too. Who do you think you are?”

“Well it’s a very touchable butt.” he whispered in my ear. “See ya later babe”, he said as he winked at me and bit his bottom lip.

I rolled my eyes and quickly turned away going into my room. I closed the door fast and leaned up against it. “The last thing I wanted was the attention of Finn Harries.” I said to myself.


I really did want to get my room together so earlier I wen out and bought some curtains and so cute things to hang on the walls to make it a bit more homey. I unpacked all my bags and hung up my clothes. I was just scrolling through Tumblr thinking of new video ideas when i heard my phone go off. It was Sam!

-HEY! Would you be interested in coming out tonight with me, Zoe and Finn?

-umm, I’m not too sure. I hardly know Finn. I don’t think we will really get along.

-PLEASEEEE. Me and Zoe want to take you out and Finn over heard and he wants to come too and get to know you!

-I just fell its best not to get too close to Finn. I just… I don’t know.

-well we already decided you’re going so SEE YOU SOON xx

Looks like I was in for another night of fun..

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