Chapter 2

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While I was on the plane I texted Mazz that I would be arriving in a few hours. I loved my cousin Mazz. He has always helped me with YouTube stuff. He did YouTube too.I haven’t seen him in like 6 years so I was excited to be with him again.

-Ill be there to pick you when you land, then we will head over to your uni room and get you settled, then i want you to meet some of my friends!

-sounds great Mazz. Really cant wait to see you!

-me to Lil, See you soon. Love you xx

I was in for a pretty long flight so I put in my headphones and started my playlist of The Naked and Famous and quickly fell asleep.

A number of hours later I was awoken by the bump of the plane landing on the runway. I was finally in London. I got off the plane, got my luggage and went to look for Mazz. I walked around aimlessly for a few minutes before deciding to just sit down. I was on the verge of dozing off again when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and came face to face with Mazz.

“Oh my God MAZZ!” I jumped up to hug him nearly knocking him down.

“Hey Lilli! Oh I’m so glad you are here!”

Suddenly, I saw someone peek around Mazz. It was a familiar face and then I realized who he was and where I knew him from.

Sam Pepper started to walk towards me.

“I thought I’d bring my best mate to come and meet you so you wouldn’t have just me to talk to.” Mazz said.

“How do you do? I’m Sam Pep-“

“I well aware of who you are! I love you videos.” Without thinking I jumped and gave him like the biggest hug ever. He responded with a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks so much for that. I’m a fan of your videos as well! When Mazz told me you were coming here for uni, I told him i had to meet you.”

“Are you going to Leeds too” I asked hopefully?

“Nah. The whole uni thing isn’t for me. I’m more of a free spirit. But I will be there often, lots of my friends go there. A few of whom you might know.”

“Oh like who?”

“Alfie Deyes, Joe and Zoe Sugg and Finn Harries.”

“Oh yea, I watch some of them!”

The one I didn’t want nor have any interest in was Finn Harries or his brother Jack for that matter. Everyone loves them and thinks of them as some sort of sex gods for some reason but I see right through it. To me they seem like rich stuck up assholes who get everything handed to them. Hearing that Finn would be attending Leeds made me cringe. I just hoped our paths never crossed..

“Well should we get going then?” It’s a long drive to Leeds.”

“Sure thing Mazz.”

Sam and Mazz carried my bags and led the way to the car while I trailed behind. I was too exhausted to move as fast as they were. But I was excited to finally be here and to have already made a new friend, who I use to drool over while watching his videos but I decided to keep that to myself.

We got in the car and I sat in the back so I could lay down and I immediately fell asleep. I was so exhausted from the plane ride and the night before. I hardly got any sleep last night. I was up thinking about how Griffin just decided to end things like that. If there was one thing that would ruin my time here it was that or running into Finn Harries. I was also just really sad and felt that if I stayed awake I would start crying and I didn’t want to cry in front of Sam so I just slept.


I was woken up a few hours later to someone stroking my cheek and whispering to me.

“Lilli, you need to wake up. We are here.”

I opened my eyes slowly to see Sam sitting there smiling at me.

“I wouldn’t mind being woken up like this everyday”

“Haha I’m sure you wouldn’t. Mazz already went to student services to get your room key. He should be back any second.”

“Oh great!”

I got out of the car and looked around a bit.

The campus was absolutely beautiful. There were flowers and big beautiful tress. There were lots of people running around and being loud with their friends and their bags all excited about being here. I was excited too, but I decided to compose myself.

Mazz came back with my key and he and Sam grabbed my bags as they led me to my room.

I lived on a hall with 15 other students in room 204 which meant I was on the second floor and there was a student living on either side of me.

I got some friendly Hi’s, Hello’s and friendly smiles while walking to my room which calmed my nerves a bit. And no sign of Finn Harries!

We reached my room and Mazz opened the door to a really nice room.

It had a nice sized white desk, across from it was a twin sized bed and in front of that was a nice big window looking over campus. I also had a little kitchen area and small bathroom that really just had a toilet. The real kitchen and showers were somewhere down the hall.

“Well this is your new room. How do you like it?” Mazz asked.

“Oh, it’s just wonderful! It’s perfect for me!”

Mazz and Sam put my bags down and headed towards the door.

“I know you’re tired and just want to chill so I’m going to go to my room and give a while to yourself. I’m going to tell my friends to get ready so they can meet you! I’m on the floor above you in room 302. So whenever you are ready, just come on up.”

“Sounds good Mazz. Give me about an hour.”

“I’ll see you later Lilli,” Sam said with a warm smile.

“So nice to meet you Sam.”

I could tell him and I were going to be good friends.

Once they left I did a little happy dance and flopped onto the bed. I was so excited to finally be here in my new bedroom! I decided to text Levi.

-Hey baybay!

-SWEETS!! Are you there already?

-yes ma’am, just got to my room and did a belly flop on the bed.

-only you haha

-so I’ve decided you need to come visit me like uh, tomorrow. So many cute boys ;)

-trust me, as soon as I can, I’ll be on a flight out to you.

-I know it’s like 2am in the US so you call me tomorrow ok?

-you know I will! Love you

-love you too Lee!

I missed her so much but I was glad to finally be where I needed to be.

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