Chapter 8

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"Carly?! Do you know what happened to our key?!"
Carly looked over at me nervously.
"No? Didn't you bring it with you?"
"Yes, I definitely did..." I said, crazily rifling through my bag. "And I just saw it when we came in here!"
Carly sighed, and then tried to help me find it. It had been such a tiring day, and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. But we wouldn't even be able to get into our room without the room key!
"Let's just go to the camp office and ask what we should do." She said.
"Okay. I'm really sorry, Car..."
"Don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us."
So, while the other girls took showers and changed into pajamas, we waited outside the main office on the first floor of the dormitory. Inside, one of the female instructors, Rachael, was sitting on a chair with her foot propped up. The nurse and camp director were in there too. The door was open a crack so we could faintly make out the conversation inside...
"Her foot's broken, I'm sure of it," the nurse said, pointing to Rachael. "There's no way she can help the kids learn when she can't even dance..."
"Well there has to be something we can put in the kid's schedules in place of Rachael's classes..."
"What if we called Michael?" Rachael asked. "He was here last week, wasn't he?"
"I would feel bad asking him to come all the way out again... And plus, he's preparing his dancers for nationals." The director said, shaking her head.
"Well, I don't think it would hurt to call," the nurse said. "There's loads of teachers at his school anyway."
"You're right. I'll go call him right now-"
"Can I help you girls with something?" A voice right next to us startled me and Carly. It was the assistant camp director.
"What? Oh, sorry, it's just, we lost our  key..." I said awkwardly.
"Already? It's the first day of camp!"
"I know, it was just, well, at the beginning of class the key was on my bag and at the end it was gone. And now we can't get into our room...."
"Lucky for you girls, we have replacement keys. But I want you to keep it in your room and just leave your door open during the day, okay?" We both nodded, and then we went into the office where the earlier conversation was to get our new key. Just as we walked in, the camp director came off the phone.
"Good news!" She said. "He can come!"
We left the office and headed upstairs. I ran straight into Julie and Marie's room to tell them about Rachael and "Michael". When I finished, Julie was shaking her head.
"Ciara, this isn't good..."
"Why not?" I asked.
"Michael is the hardest instructor there is! He was here last year, and he made us do sets of twelve steps... I swear, every girl in the class threw up..."
"Well.... We'll probably be stronger by the end of it..." I said, trying to sound hopeful. Julie and I said our goodbyes, and as I was leaving, I notice Marie glaring at me, again. What did I do to her? Whatever, I thought to myself, just try to be nice to her tomorrow.
I left the room, and walking down the hallway, I saw the last person I wanted to see. Taylor.
"Stop walking around like you own the place, number forty!" She said as she strutted passed me. I resisted the urge to fight back, and stepped into my dorm. I changed quickly, and didn't even bother showering since it was so late.
When I was just about to fall asleep, a nagging thought came into my head.
Did someone take my key?

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