Chapter 1 Intro

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Marlines P.O.V.

My name is Marline and this is my story. My life was perfect until my parents got divorced.

I was born a very healthy and happy baby and my life was perfect I had the perfect family that was nice to me, fed me, spoiled me, and took care of me the best they could.

Then that all changed at just 2 years old. My parents got divorced became my dad cheated with several girls on my mom and they had been fighting. Because of their divorce my mom had been in depression and had been drinking cause of her depression.

Which meant that I would be at my dad's house cause I wouldn't be safe at my mom's house. When I did see my mom I had to have a child protection person with me and when i was their my mom was not allowed to drink cause I was there but that didn't stop her.

On one of my visits the child protection people thought that they would try a visit with just me and my mom so that's what happened but it didn't go so well.

During the visit my mom was drinking very badly and it was really affected her to where she was yelling at me . I was playing with my toys and I was crashing my planes on the ground cause it was part of the game I was playing.
And my mom got mad and said, How would you like if I did that to you? And that's exactly what she did to my face leaving a bruise on my forehead.

After she noticed I had a bruise she threatened to kill me if I told anyone of what really happened. She told me to say that I ran into a wall while I was playing chase with her and I was only 3 and scared so that was exactly what I would do. Not knowing that in the future that she would do even more.

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