Chapter 8 The end

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7 years later

Marline is now 12 years old.....

Marline's P.O.V.

Dad can I go to the park with some friends? Yeah sure says dad. Ok dad when do you want me home? Asks Marline. Just call me when your ready to come home and I'll pick you up. Ok dad by says Marline. Ok Hon have a good time and BE SAFE. Ok says Marline I'm leaving. Marline calls her friend and tell her that she's ready and she'll be there soon and that was the last time that her friend will see Marline. After Marline ends the call she starts walking.

Marline's friend P.O.V.

I have been waiting for 3 hours now this is not right I'm going to call Marline's dad and ask if she there cause I'm really worried. When Marline's friend calls Marline's dad her dad says no but he going to go and look for her.

After looking for months the search warrants and Marline's dad find her but dead and they still don't know why but they think it is because of a car hitting her cause she was found dead in the street but no bruises were found.


Hey guys I'm sorry this story was not long I had to end it because I couldn't think of any other ideas but I hope you liked it it was one of my first stories I've wrote. Thx you all I love u all

- Emily :)

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