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(A/N) There is something in this chapter that took me soo looong to do, so it would be nice of you to leave a vote on this chapter. And I'm not talking about the artwork. I porpousfully didn't put greys in it.

(Krystals pov)

I cracked my eyes open and saw Dipper and Mable standing over me.

"G'mornin'." I said and stood up.

~~one hour later~~

I gulped down a bowl of cereal and walked outside to absorb the sun. I prefered the night, but day was prety good, too. I floped on the ground and stared at the sky. But then I remembered. I stood up and walked into the woods. My necklace tugged me lightly. I took it out from under my shirt and let it guide me. It glowed a faint yellow. I walked until I found a stone brick tower around the sise of the pine trees.

"Okay. Bill. Is this the place?" I asked. No responce from my necklace. I looked for an enterance. There was none. I noticed a small indentation on a brick in the perfect shape of a triangle. I took off my necklace and checked the shape. It fit perfectly. The brick slid in and the wall opened around two feet wide. I slid inside and looked around after taking back my necklace.

It had a spiral staircase leading to the very top. I walked up and, at the vaey top, there was a room. It had a wooden table with a pen, pencil, and candle next to a red book. I walked up to it. The book was open to a page. An odd one.

25-15-21 23-8-15 18-5-1-4 20-8-9-19. 2-9-12-12 3-9-16-5-18 9-19 21-14-20-18-21-19-20-9-2-12-5.
9 8-1-22-5 13-1-4-5 1 7-18-1-22-5 13-9-19-20-1-11-5 9-14 13-1-11-9-14-7 20-8-5 16-15-18-20-1-12
20-15 20-8-5 15-20-8-5-18 4-5-13-5-14-19-9-15-14.

It went on a few more 'paragraphs' on the page. I heard something behind me. I turned to it. Dipper and Mable came up from behind me.

"Hey, you two." I said. "I've found something." I took the book and showed them. Dipper stared at it. Mable, too.

"What does it say?" Asked Mable.

"I don't know. It seems like words, but..." I trailed off. A little help, Bill? I asked. He was silent for a second.

... It's nothing important... Bill said. I took his word for it and closed the book. It looked just like Dippers journal, but it didn't have the six-fingered hand or the number.

"It seems that almost the whole book is incripted like this." I said as we walked out. "I might be able to decipher it. But it may take a while to figure out how or what cipher method it is. Although, it might be like an A-1 B-2 thing, it will still take a while." (That is the 'method' I used)

I tucked the book under my left arm.

"Do you guys want to do anything interesting?" I asked.

"Monster hunting?" Mable seemed to beg. Her eyes grew sparkily.

"Sure!" I said.

"Why not?" Asked Dipper. He pulled out his journal and fliped to a monster. "How about a dragon? These ones aren't at all hostile." He pointed to a cute looking dragon. It looked like the kind you would see in a girly cartoon. "Should we go?"

~~two hours later~~

I ran through the woods. I had maby, accedentaly, not on pourpose, turned one hostile. It was snake-like and had no arms ar legs. Just its body and feathery wings. It was mad. I stumbled into a clearing and fell on my face. In the back of the dragons mouth, it started to glow a deep purple. I had no time to run. Or get up. I put my forarm infront of my face just as the purple fire shot out. Everything slowed down.

Everything turned grey.

A fancy eye-like symbol that glowed light blue apeared and, instead of burning me, the fire went around me. I looked more closley to see Bill Cipher deflecting the fire away and then shooting it with his own blue fire. The dragon flew off. I stared in shock. Bill turned to me and  floated closer.

"You okay, Krys?" He asked. I smiled at him.

"Yep. Thanks." I said.

"Good! I don't want anything to hapen to my only link to the physical world!" He ruffled my hair and I laughed. "And do you have the things?"

"Yep." I said and pulled out the dream catcher and the book. He stared at the book.

"..... This isn't it." He said. "But I'll take the dream catcher, anyways." He grabed the dream catcher and spun it on his finger.

"What does it look like exactly?" I asked.

"It's red. The pages are yellowish. There are black ink blots on diffrent pages. There's a six-fingered hand with a four on the palm." He said. "Now let's see." His eye flashed to a stone hallway. It seemed to skim over the whole place then flashed white. It went back to normal. "It's in a cave north of here. I can't see anything after that for some reason." He seemed to scratch his head.

"That's all you can tell me?" I asked. He nodded. "Okay. I'll see if I can go there tonight."

"Good! And remember! Reality is an illusion! The universe is a hologram! Buy gold! Biiiye!" He said and disapeared.

I rubed my head as everything turned to normal. I saw the twins burst through the bushes. Hopefuly they hadn't seen anything.

"Krystal! Are you okay!?" Mable asked, wraping her arms around me.

"Yes. I'm fine." I said. "It ran off when I slamed its head with the book." I said and held it up triumphantly.

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