Treating Whovianitis

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If you or a loved one is suffering from Whovianitis, you may be wondering what you can do to ease their pain. The good news is, there are plenty of simple home remedies that both suppress and lessen the disease.


Although writing fanfiction is a symptom that someone has Whovianitis, it actually helps curb the other side effects. It allows the brain and if applicable the Zombified Whovian to take their mind off of a new episode or something of the like. Since they are the ones who are writing it, they can control the characters to do exactly what they want, so even if it contradicts what is in the show, they can still get their fill of whatever they're craving. In earlier stages this may slow or even stop the growth of the ZW.

Reading fanfiction is also a good way to remedy sufferers. It's fairly simple: look for fanfiction that has what you want in it. Don't go and start reading fanfiction about an opposite ship or something like that, because it will only aggravate the condition even more. Find a fluff fiction to start out with, and then ease yourself into the world of fanfiction. There's a lot of...interesting stuff out there.

New Obsession

Lucky for Whovianitis sufferers, there are plenty of amazing TV shows and movies and books and video games that can take the mind off of Doctor Who. These don't get rid of Whovianitis, but they may push away or reduce the symptoms of it. Be warned that if the obsession doesn't last very long, the symptoms will quickly return.

(WARNING: If another show/movie/book/video game contains brainwashing like Doctor Who another disease similar to Whovianitis may occur)

I recommend Sherlock, firstly, as it is written and made by some of the same people who write Doctor Who. However, it's very different from that show, and features great actors and a great plot.

(WARNING: Extreme trauma called Reichenbach Feels may occur after watching the third episode of the second series)

Downton Abbey, though the first episode may seem boring, is extremely addicting. The good news is that it isn't as brainwashy as most other good British shows. Although all it really is is a soap opera in fancy Edwardian costumes, you may find yourself hooked and not stuck on Doctor Who.

More remedial shows/movies/books/video games: Firefly, Mythbusters, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, any of John Green's books, Legend of Zelda, etc. (ask your fandom-y friends, they will gladly help)

Do not stop watching Doctor Who

The final way at this time to curb Whovianitis is more of a do not than a do. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to stop watching Doctor Who as a whole. Although this does work on occasion, Whovianitis sufferers will find their symptoms getting worse and worse. This is worst for the late stages with Zombified Whovians. They will be suffering from a withdrawal. You may slowly start to watch less of Doctor Who, and see how you react to that, but do not abruptly try to stop watching the show.

So there you go. Home remedies for curbing (not curing just curbing, which is only one letter off) Whovianitis.

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