What I Got in the 50th Anniversary (Spoilers, Sweetie!)

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Okay, so...let us see. Here is my checklist of things I wanted in the 50th Anniversary and how that actually turned out for me. This will either be a pass or fail...or something in between.

- Rose and Ten

Well, since it wasn't actually Rose, I'm going to have to fail this one. Although there was that one part at the end with Bad Wolf...but still. Fail.

- That ring on Rose's hand to be a wedding one

Well, it's pretty clear that this is not the case from what I said up above. Fail.

- Donna or Jack

We got a mention of Harkness...so it's a half pass. 

- Or both.

Fourth of a pass here. Math is fun, yeah?

- John Hurt's epic voice

There is no denying that we got a whole lot of this. I have to say, I love his voice. Epic pass right here.

- Eleven's sonic exploding/drowning/etc. so that the one River Song has must be created

Yeah, no. But there was a good amount of mentioning of the sonic...the Christmas special might have our answers. Fail.

- References to Merlin (and I haven't even watched that much of it)

Er, I'm going to go with no. Heh. FAIL.

- References to actual history (Queen Bess in character-ish)

I wish I had paid more attention when we had the Elizabethan Era around. But David Tennant in those clothes...I'll pass it just for that.

- No Whouffle (sorry)

Half pass right here. They were doing pretty well until the end...but meh. Close enough.

- A mention of River

I will be using her shoes that were in the archives and Eleven's use of "spoilers" to make this into a pass.

- Sherlock Series 3

The surprising thing about this is that this did actually turn out to be a thing...there's a new teaser trailer out.  Pass!

- References to Classic Who that I don't understand yet

Since I don't understand it yet, I'm going to go with yes. Pass.

- Something gifable

Um, yes. Pass

- Many things that are gifable

if only i had a way to gif them which at the moment i dont...pass...

- Peoples of the Time War in action

Without a doubt, yes. I actually really enjoyed a lot of the combat scenes. I'm a violence loving American. Pass!

- Some connection to the Silence and all that jazz

Psh, unless you count the trailer afterwards. That only goes for Sherlock. Fail.

- Something that makes people hate Moffat less

I'm going to go with pass for the Tom Baker bit at the end...

- Whatever this Last Day short is (actually that would be coming out before the 50th...)

Yeah. Pass.

- "Brilliant!"

I might have missed this, but fail.

- Give John Hurt a catchphrase!

"No more," methinks. So, pass.

- Sherlock Series 3

Jawn. Jawn. Jawn! JAWN! Your mustache! (This is a pass, you know)

- References to New Who that I do understand

So many though. Pass.

- Something in my internal theories that is correct

So approximately a week before this came out, I theorized that the Time Lords would be coming back. Now, I didn't specify, but this assumed that Moffat's "this'll change everything" mentality was about bringing back Gallifrey.

Which he kind of did.


The final score: 16.25/23 or 70.65% 

Not too bad, eh?

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