Defining Brook: Explore

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verb \ik-ˈsplȯr\

travel in or through an area in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.

Brook snuck around the TARDIS console, hoping her father hadn't noticed her creeping into the TARDIS. Brook, Clara, and the Doctor had just been through their adventure together and it had been wonderful. But Brook wanted more, so she had stowed away on the TARDIS without a word to her father about what she was doing.

For a fleeting but terrifying moment, she thought that the Doctor had spotted her, but sure enough it was a false alarm. As she found herself a temporary hiding place she rolled her eyes. Her father was being so gullible. This was almost too easy, and she wasn't getting any help from the TARDIS. Or at least that's what Brook hoped. As the Doctor began to pilot the TARDIS and talk to Clara about who knows what, Brook snuck away into the halls of the TARDIS.

Brook would call the TARDIS her second home but that would be a lie. She didn't spend enough time inside of the impossible blue box in order to think of it as a home. She wished she did, but her father never asked her to travel with her. Not permanently anyways. She supposed he had his reasons, the first of which being that they were meeting out of order. But of course that didn't make Brook feel any better about it. At least her mother had been asked. Brook got nothing except for one or two adventure with her father a year. That would never be enough for her. Brook wanted to be in the TARDIS all the time. And the TARDIS wanted her around as well. Whenever Brook talked to the TARDIS it always seemed that the TARDIS cared. Sometimes even more than her father ever could.

"I trust you," she whispered to the TARDIS, closing her eyes. The TARDIS would lead her to somewhere she wanted to be no matter how Brook moved around. Brook could feel where she was going as well. It was strange being so connected to the TARDIS when it seemed that no one else was. Brook reached her hand out and ran her fingers over the wall, feeling it brush past her as she moved onwards. Her eyes remained shut the entire time. Then, she got the feeling that she could now open her eyes, and she trusted that feeling because she knew it had come from the TARDIS.

Brook looked curiously at her new surroundings and saw shelves and shelves packed with books. This had to be the library, and it was lovely.

Brook gazed around at the library. This was most certainly the place where she wanted to be. She could spend weeks in here if she wanted to it, as it was a full fledged library. She ran her fingers over the books on one of the shelves. There sure were an awful lot of books in there. As she plucked one from the shelf she thought that her father wouldn't mind too much if she took a few with her. It wasn'treally stealing in the end, because it was the TARDIS's property in the end and the TARDIS would always let her take it. Besides, she could always return it the next time she saw her father. Even though it might be years away. In other words, he wouldn't care. He wouldn't even notice in the end. Her father hardly even bothered to show up for her birthdays most of the time. It usually was more of coincidence. He wouldn't come back for her just so she could give a book or five back.

Brook sat down and began reading. She had an amazing stamina for words as she had spent almost her entire fourteen years of life sitting around and reading. But after a few hours when Brook had finished about three-fourths of the book she decided to take a little break. She flipped the book over so that it would stick on the right page and then hid it behind a bookcase in case she had to make a speedy escape and leave it behind. She would make sure the Doctor or Clara wouldn't see it.

Brook got up and began walking around. There was more in this library than just stereotypical books. But what caught her interest was sitting on a shelf that had been right behind her the whole time.

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