Destery Smith x Reader

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Mom, I'm not gay!

No One's POV
Today was the day that you were going to meet Destery's mom for the first time in your 1 and half year relationship with Destery. You knew was pretty chill as you had texted her a few times before but for some reason, she always questioned Destery and your's relationship and you were determined to find out exactly why when you two were going to meet.

You weren't as nervous as you thought but still had some butterflies as you you would be while Destery and you traveled. Destery was holding your hand the entire trip from the airport to his mom's house and giving you comforting words, that you shrugged off saying you were fine, even though you were flipping out on the inside. You soon came to the, oh so dreaded, steps of the front porch and you took a deep breath before knocking on the door, looking over at Destery with an excited, nervous smile, squeezing his hand lightly while he returned the smile and the action. Then the door opened to Destery's mom. " Hey, Des, goodness I missed you! " she said, giving Destery a big ass hug. After she pulled away, she turned to you and smiled, " And you must be the famous (Y/N)! Destery will not shut up about you about how pretty and perfect you are! " Destery blushed and mumbled out a " Oh my God, Mom, stop! " while you just laughed and kissed his cheek, " How sweet of you babe! " you said, making him blush harder. His mom then invited you two inside to dinner.

~ Timeskip to the end of dinner brought to you by Destery and Nate's sex tape :D ~

After dinner, you and Destery decided to go to the hotel you were going to be staying at since Destery's room was to small to stay in. Des' mom lead you two to the door and before she shut the door, she asked " So, you aren't gay honey? Because then poor (Y/N) for playing along, you must be paying her a lot of money for her to pretend to be your girlfriend! " Destery groaned loudly and angrily yelled, " OH MY GOD, MOM NO! " You just laughed and dragged Des, " No payment here, just pure love for video games, junk food and each other! " you called out to his mom while she laughed as well, closing the house door. Destery got in the car and grumpily mumbled, " I'm not gay... " "Of course you're not babe. " you giggled while Destery started the car and started to drive to the hotel.

Author's Note
Another Destery one shot was requested, so I hoped you liked it! The kkcomics one shot will be up soon, promise! So, bye bye!

YouTuber Preferences and One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora