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I go to school by train and right now, at 7:16 AM, the sky looks so pretty now. The clouds are a mix of pink, red, orange, blue and it's just so beautiful. It reminded me of Daniel and how happy he probably is. I'll remind myself how happy he is and that he'll watch over us. I know how devastated people are, but he wouldn't want us to be sad, he would want for us to celebrate all the memories we had together and be happy. (I totally didn't almost copy a line from Epic.) I know people will continue to mourn for a period of time, and that's okay. If anyone needs to talk, I'm here and willing to listen and help as much as I can. If you feel like commiting suicide, go to a therapist or talk to someone you can trust and get help. You have such potential and talent, you have a future for goodness sakes. Eventhough life is hard sometimes, you're gonna just say, " Fuck you, I'm gonna live life the way I want to and make the best out of this situation. "

Daniel would want us to be happy.

Go and make Daniel proud, again, rest easy Daniel, we're gonna miss you.

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