Chp 2: Shady Stranger

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A/N: I'm writing this on my laptop whenever I can. So if you finish reading this whole entire fanfic of mine, first to finish may ask for a Hetalia fanfic. Those who finish afterwards get to suggest Hetalia fanfiction ideas. Well, enjoy! :D

The Hans were dangerous enemies. And they're powerful. So when Kiku slipped past the guards by the gates, he couldn't help but think what would happen if he was caught by those fearsome, bulky guards in all their plates and armor.

Now he was on the roof, running at a moderate pace quickly and quietly. He gasped softly when he accidentally hit his shoulder on the edge of a wooden beam. Kiku gritted his teeth and moved along, slowly now, since his destination was getting near.

He was going to wipe out the Hans, every last one of them. With all of their leaders dead, the soldiers shall not do anything but choose a new emperor. All the officials and generals, too. They should die as well, just in case if they attack Japan. But his brother, Yao Wang, was also a general who served for the Hans. Emperor Shi Huang obviously knew that there were dangerous enemies out there waiting for him, so he also recruited Chinese men like Yao for his army. Yao, who was working in his kitchen at that time, was captured and forced to join the military. Men like Yao meaning men who were simply not aligned with any political faction and were forced to join only to increase the size of the army. In other words, fodder. Some traitorous ninja clans have also defied their code of life to work under Shi Huang for money. Now what he thinks of Emperor Shi Huang's goals is unpredictable. What will I do with him? What if he actually accepted and agreed with the emperor's objective?  thought Kiku. He shook his head slightly. I'll think about that when the time comes.

He was about to lower himself down from the shadows when he heard a scuttling sound. He whipped his head around and quickly pressed his body to the roof, hiding among the shadows. Pit-pat pit-pat pit-pat pit-pat. He heard the quiet, barely audible scuttling sound again.

This time he saw a fleeting shadow. He had to retreat. Now. If that was an enemy ninja clan, he'd be in big trouble. With his back pressed firmly against the edge of a wooden beam, he moved from one shadow to another. It was then he noticed that the other ninja had vanished. He heard a slight breeze and quickly threw a shuriken at the stranger. Whoosh. Clack. He gazed half-surprised. The ninja had caught the shuriken with a tessen. And then he threw the shuriken back at him. It nearly hit his foot, and as he stumbled back, the other ninja was besides him in moments. He peered at Kiku's face and examined the band on his arm. The ninja's eyes flickered with recognition of Kiku's clan and bowed at him. In a blur he was already at the top of the roof. He glanced back at Kiku, his eyes saying, Even if you're not my enemy, this is my mission. Don't even think about interfering.

And with a silent flash of white smoke, he disappeared. Kiku was in awe the whole time. He saw that this ninja was at his level, and that was interesting to him. Then, he jolted when he realized two important facts when the ninja was glancing at him:

1. The ninja's body shape was of a woman.
2. Her golden brown eyes were not normal.

With the encounter on their minds, both quickly left the scene to retrieve their thoughts.

A/N: Tessen: A Japanese war fan. Made of wood, bamboo, and iron. Used as a weapon, swimming aid, or a regular fan.

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