Chp 6: The Journey's Beginning

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A/N: Some music for this chapter :3 (optional) Oh, and for the sake of the story let's say they speak a langauge they all understand. ;-; no time for research and complexities..and sorry for short chapter (at least it's not as short as chapter 1 hahaha).

They had left the Japanese main house sometime near midnight. By dawn they had stopped at a small creek for a little break, allowing their horses to drink and graze while they catch their breaths. 

Mei laughed and thought to herself how funny it'd be if Lien was wet. So she snuck behind the older female and leaned forward to push her-

"Oof." The Taiwanese girl huffed out her breath as she was gently knocked flat on her back with a swing of Lien's strong arm. Lien raised her eyebrows. "Did you really think I'd let you push me into the creek? You'd have to try better than that." A teasing smile adorned her features. 

She didn't notice how Yong Soo nudged Kiku and pointed at her (A/N: ninja skills begone for the sake of romance). Most likely because Kiku quickly jabbed the other in the gut and walked the body back to the horses as he tried to maintain his composure.

Mei giggled. She was going to do better. Blowing her bangs off her face, Mei smirked and swung her legs up, catching the Vietnamese woman by surprise and throwing her into the creek (A/N: basically she kinda kicked Lien into the creek with her legs while supporting her upper body with her arms). The SPLASH! that followed did not go unnoticed by the rest of the group as they basically teleported to the scene in case of danger (Kasem calmly walked there, knowing Mei probably did something). To their (mainly Kiku's) surprise, they found Lien facedown in the water. Kiku broke out of his ready-to-attack form and kneeled down by Lien and touched her shoulder. "Lien? Are you alright?" he asked when he noticed her body trembling. A fiery aura surrounded her and he ducked, her fists nearly punching in his face. The surprise attack caused him to slip on an underwater rock and the force of his body hit Lien, which is the reason why she fell on him and now they're both wet. Mei and Yong Soo (A/N: he recovered quickly haha) both watched with giddiness while Hyung Soo took on the role of being expressionless. Still the quiet twin couldn't help but shake his head in sympathy for his sister figure and the other guy, being the target of Mei and Yong Soo's annoying pranks.

Kiku only revealed his calm face but inwardly he was panicking. At such close proximity with another woman who most likely will pummel him, he only kept his composure when he fell under her. At least I'll cushion her fall a bit.. he thought. His inward sigh of relief was cut short as Lien's arm shot out behind his head and caught him by the neck. From Mei and the others' perspective, it looked exactly like 'a prince saving a princess' pose!

If Kiku were a maiden, he'd be screaming at this moment. But alas, he was not and did not scream. The only change that ocurred was a creeping shade of red that appeared on his ears. Only Lien noticed, and she realized he needed his personal space. Quickly she let go of her grip on him and his eyes widened for a fraction of a second before she grabbed  his arm and pulled him upright again. 

"I apologize on behalf of Mei," she stated. Sighing, Lien turned her sharp gaze to Mei and Yong Soo. "If you two don't have better things to do, I suggest you start preparing to continue." The mischievious duo scurried off. Kasem chuckled lightly then walked back to the horses, but not before patting Lien on the head. She huffed at his action while Kiku felt that small pang again. What is wrong with me? That was merely a brotherly teasing gesture. Why do I feel upset? Hyung Soo seemed to notice Kiku's inner turmoil and quirked an eyebrow before also going back to his horse.

Lien turned and stepped in the direction of the group when she heard a deep voice behind her. "Thank you." 

She turned her head and glanced at him. The corners of her lips lifted ever so slightly. 

"You're welcome."

Kiku followed behind her horse, in thought. Recalling her gentle expression from earlier that morning, the corner of his own lips lifted.

She really should smile more.

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