Author's note

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A/N: I am so sorry for not updating. It really sucks having summer homework and housework rolled into 2 1/2 months of summer vacation. I'm also starting school this month (who isn't? ). But as long as I have manga and internet, I am happy. Also, please note that this story will not be historically accurate.  Here's a little sneak peek of the next chapter:

Meeting Each Other

It took Lien and her group only a few, short hours to arrive at the Japanese main house.  A guard stationed by the entrance gate bowed and let them pass once he saw them hold up their badges with their family emblems. Soon, some  workers came out and led the horses into the stables. Lien was the first to come out of the stables after making sure all the horses were safely in their stalls. Soon,  the rest of them followed her to the Japanese main house, where two lanterns were lit outside.

Upon entering the greeting room (A/N:it's supposed to be a room where you meet your guests, say hello, drink tea and stuff like that), a servant came out and escorted the group to the room where the gathering was taking place. The door opened and revealed a large room filled with ninja clans from various places. Everyone was quietly chattering while they found places to sit. Once Lien, Mei,  Hyung Soo, and Kasem were seated they took in their surroundings.  Another group was sitting on the opposite side of the room, and Mei's eyes landed on her brother.  "Jia Long!" She waved her brother over. He appeared to sigh, and walked over to them with another man who looked to be Japanese.  Lien, mildly curious,  looked up at the man while he stared back at her. For a moment,  it was as if there was a spark between them.

Jia Long saw this and decided to introduce his friend. "Hey, everyone.  This is Honda Kiku, the leader of our group. We also have Cheng and Yong Soo, but they're both busy with something right now." Hyung Soo looked slightly disappointed when he heard Yong Soo was currently busy. They all said their greetings to the man. Once Yong Soo came back, they were all chatting together (except for the usually silent peeps,  they talk whenever needed), when suddenly Mei pulled Lien to the side.

Giving the younger girl a questioning look, Lien crossed her arms and said, "What is it, Mei?" Mei grinned and giggled. "I think big sister's in lo~ve!" She sang loud enough for her to hear, before turning away and talking to the others. Lien's face remained stoic, but inside she was blushing. Kiku glanced at her. He couldn't bring himself to say he accidently overheard their little talk.  And now he's blushing inside as well.

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