Omake - The Journey's Beginning

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A/N: I felt like making a short what-if scenario from the previous chapter and also as a well-deserved bonus for readers who've been waiting a long time. I've been caught up in so many things the past year and I wanted to come back and give back to my readers. Again, thank you for reading! :D

Kiku only revealed his calm face but inwardly he was panicking. At such close proximity with another woman who most likely will pummel him, he only kept his composure when he fell under her. At least I'll cushion her fall a bit.. he thought. His inward sigh of relief was cut short as Lien's arm shot out behind his head and caught him by the neck. From Mei and the others' perspective, it looked exactly like 'a prince saving a princess' pose!

"OH MY GAWD!" Mei squealed as she snapped a thousand photos per second of the two. Yong Soo gaped in awe, then flashed Kiku a double thumbs up. "Way to get the girl, da-ze~!" Hyung Soo accidentally moved his foot so that his brother fell into the creek. Mei shrieked again as Lien pulled Kiku upright according to script while ignoring the others' antics. "Big sis and big bro look so cute in these clothes- I need to see them in more!!! When is the author going to move forward with the romance already??! This fire isn't hot enough!" Kasem chuckled. "Well, with their personalities so similar it's going to take awhile." 

At that moment, a crack was heard as the sky crumbled. Suddenly, Yao popped out of the nearby bushes. Wielding a panda plush he yelled while running towards them, "AIYAH WHO BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AGAIN ARU-" SPLASH!!! A misstep was all it took for the Chinese man to meet the water.

Hyung Soo silently went to repair the Great Fourth Wall of Fanfiction.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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