Cast List/Short Bio

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Bold= first names, Italics=general role

Vietnam as Lien Chung
Female protagonist: Ninja, considers Mei and Kaoru her younger siblings because she grew up alone

Japan as Honda Kiku
Male protagonist: Ninja, adoptive brother to Yao, Kaoru, and Mei

China as Wang Yao
Former soldier, captured to work for emperor, big brother to Kiku, Mei, and Kaoru

Taiwan as Wang Mei
Ninja, considers Lien her best friend , younger sister to Yao, Kiku, and Kaoru

N. Korea as Im Hyung Soo
Ninja, older twin brother of Yong Soo

S. Korea as Im Yong Soo
Ninja, younger twin brother of Hyung Soo

Hong Kong as Wang Jia Long
Ninja, related to Yao, Kiku, and Mei

Macau as Wang Cheng
A scholar who works as a spy, Yao's older cousin

Thailand as Kasem Chao
Moderate ninja skills, more of a skilled geographer

Mongolia as Batukhan Ulan
A former civilian in the kingdom but escaped before being forced into the army, living in the northern mountains

England/Britain as Arthur Kirkland
An English pirate looking for treasure

Note: Lien and Kiku aren't siblings because they've rarely (if ever) officially met each other. So really, the true siblings are Yao, Mei, and Jia Long. Cheng is their cousin. Kasem is an old friend of Cheng's. The Im brothers are really close friends to the Wangs. Lien and Kiku are like martial sister/brother to the Wangs, having been raised under them. 

(Not counting the emperor, OC's, and extras)

Emperor: In this story, Emperor Shi Huang will be a fictional character. His name seems similar to the actual first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, but no, he has nothing to do with the real person. It was the first name that came to mind while thinking of a Chinese emperor. I realized afterwards a real emperor had that name. Ehehe..

OC's: There are probably a few minor characters that I make up whose names are given. But, they are made up by me. They probably come in somewhere as between OC's and extras, as they really have no major role. For example, a maid who helps our protaganists might be Li Chan or something like that. Even so, some OC's will have important actions.

Extras: Extras are the least important characters. They have no real purpose except to 'fill in the gap ' or so I put it. Extras in this story would be the people in the land, the pirate crew, the soldiers, etc. 

Well, that's all for today. Thank you for reading this, and thanks a lot for the comments and votes. You guys are all part of the inspiration that keep me going. (^▽^) I appreciate it.

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