Here's to You

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There are always days that we just want to cry. Whether it starts that way or just suddenly hits us, it doesn't matter. Some of us just want to go to the bathroom and lock ourselves in a stall so that we can cry in peace. Why do we do this?

We're scared.

We don't want to be judged.

Well, you know what, we shouldn't be scared of being judged. The society that thinks that crying is a sign of weakness is the same society that judges you on things about you you cannot change. It's not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of being human. It's a sign that we all have flaws and we all have breaking points. It's a sign that we are living beings. Some people are just better at showing it.

And those people are the best. The people who hide things about them are the ones that have so much to show. They just need the courage to do so.

So, here's to the people who cry themselves to sleep. Here's to the girls who put on make up to cover the bags under her eyes from that second shift last night so she has money to hang with her friends. Here's to the people who cover their blemishes so that the world doesn't see the real them. Here's to the people who write poetry and live another life through stories. Here's to the people too scared to show their true talents. And here's to the humans who lock themselves in the bathroom so that they can cry without being watched.

And most importantly, here's to you.

You're beautiful. You're smart. You're the perfect person just being you. Don't let anyone tell you different.

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