Terrifying Minds

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Isn't it scary how your mind can manipulate itself? Take my most recent scare for example. Sleeping at a friend's apartment for the night, a place that I've slept at many times before due to convience of location, I suddenly saw this terrifying image in my mind. 

A man. All shadow.

Except for his white glowing eyes.

I know he's not real. I know he's not the shadow of the coat rack next to the door. I know he's not the light of the street lamp shining through the window at the end of the hall. I know he's not here. I know he's not real.

But I still tremble. I still fear putting my foot down on the groun,d off the safety of the bed. I still fear the darkness closing in around me at night. I still leave the tv on for at least 30 minutes so that I can feel safe enough to close my eyes. I still flinch at the sound of the motorcycle ripping down the street or the quiet flash of headlights through the window as someone returns home.

I know he's not real, yet my mind says that he is. My mind says that he's here.

Isn't it a terrifying thing? A mind?

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