Rules to Live By

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1. Always say "good morning" to everyone.

     a. Even if it is just to your dog or a flower, take the three seconds out of your day to say       "good morning".

2. Always thank your bus driver.

     a. They've done something for you. Show some appreciation.

3. When you leave someone who's done something for you, like a bus driver or teacher, and you don't plan on seeing them again that day, tell them to have a nice day.

     a. Small things brighten people's days.

4. Take time for yourself.

     a. No one has kept their sanity by always being around people or doing things.

5. Don't be afraid to be yourself.

     a. So they're staring at you. They've noticed you! Whether it's because they think you're      the coolest person they've ever seen or the weirdest, they noticed you!

6. Say "I love you" to those you care about.

     a. You never know when you may be seeing someone for the last time. Make sure you           know everyone knows how much you care. Even if it's your best friend.

7. Don't be afraid to be the weirdo.

     a. Weirdos experience more. So be weird and experience life. You may not be the richest      or the happiest person, but you're the real winner of life.

8. Hold on to your childhood, but know where you stand.

     a. It's not bad to be a child at heart, but never let it change your outlook on the current        situation. Let your childhood color your glasses rose, but don't live in it.

9. You are not entitled to anything.

    a. Work for what you want. Don't expect it to be handed to you. And if it gets handed to  you with no strings attached, check for fishing line because there's something attached to it.

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