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Sungjoo walked outside to find a moving truck parked in front of the house next to his. Being the curious little child he was, he walked closer to the truck to see if anyone was there. As he neared the white vehicle, another car pulled up to the house. He stopped at the edge of his driveway to see who his new neighbors were going to be.

Out came a tall woman, young and pretty. She was smiling as she opened the back doors for a small blond. Sungjoo tilted his head and observed him. He couldn't have been older, maybe just a few years younger. The two made eye contact for a moment before the blond looked away. Sungjoo continued to stare until he heard his mother's squeal, he turned his head and saw her running out of the house with a grin on her face.

Sungjoo watched his mother run up to the other lady and hug her. When he looked at the little blond boy, he looked confused too. He watched his mother laugh and talk about how "it's been so long, you look amazing" and "Oh my gosh! He's so big!" for a while. When his mother signaled him to come closer, he stood for a moment, catching the slight fear in the blond's eyes. His mother called his name so he had no choice but to walk over. With every step he took, the more the other hid behind the tall lady.

"This is Sungjoo, he's only 3 years older than Yibo." She smiled once Sungjoo was close enough. He stood to the side and smiled at the blond.

"Ah, so he's 10. This is Yibo, he's a little shy, sorry about that." The lady said with a light tone. "Yibo, wanna say hi to Sungjoo?" She peered down at her son.

The blond boy came from behind her and stared at the two. He didn't say anything and but he looked a little mad. Sungjoo smiled nonetheless, he was just shy, right?

"Nice to meet you Yibo! Do you like video games?" Sungjoo saw the PSP almost falling out of his jacket pocket. Yibo nodded hesitantly, tucking the PSP into his pocket so it was more secure.

"C'mon Yibo! I have video games in my room!" Sungjoo held his hand out but Yibo didn't take it. Sungjoo waited a little more before grabbing his hand and dragging him into his house and up the stairs. Yibo tried to find a way to tell Sungjoo that he needed to get his stuff but Sungjoo wasn't listening.


"YIBOOOOOO" Sungjoo's loud voice rang through the headphones, he was almost certain Sungjoo would be the cause of his hearing loss. Nonetheless, he continued to click several keys on the keyboard while maneuvering the mouse across the screen. "GOOO GOOOO!" Sungjoo's voice echoed through his head. Eventually, the dreadful sound of their team losing reached both their ears. Yibo winced a little at Sungjoo's, loud, reaction. He took the headphones off and set them on the desk, leaning back against and running his fingers through his hair in frustration. It was their second loss that morning.

Sungjoo's screaming died down and he figured it was safe to put his headphones back on. "What happened? You had that."

"I could have focused better if you weren't yelling in my ear." he muttered.

"I always yell in your ear" the static reply came. Yibo rolled his eyes at the typical reply. It always happened whenever they lost, Sungjoo would blame Yibo for doing something wrong, Yibo would blame it on Sungjoo's yelling, and Sungjoo would use the 'I always yell' excuse.

"YIBO TELL SUNGJOO TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" His mother's call reached his ears through his headphones.

"Are you ready for school? My mom told you to get ready." Yibo asked through the mic, he checked the time and saw that they had 5 more minutes to spare.

"Your mom is so nice! Always looking out for me like that." Sungjoo cooed from the other line. Yibo resisted the urge to tell Sungjoo that his mother probably planned it and she knew he only listened to Yibo's family when it came to school.

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