Chapter 11

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Kai's POV

For the last two weeks Luca has sat next to Luce's bed. He hasn't moved apart from going to the toilet or to get food, not that he was eating much but after a lot of pestering from Seth and myself he would finally get up and go get food.

I walked towards the door and heard sobs coming from the room.

"I'm so sorry Luce, I should have been a better brother to you and stopped listening to the asshat. God even thinking about him makes me feel sick. I hate him so much. He stole everything from me. My family, my mate, the one thing that I wanted to give to him more than anything, he stole you from me I can't see your beautiful eyes or hear your amazing laugh or apologise to you properly and I'm so sorry."

"Luca." I muttered walking into the room.

"Dad." He gasped.

"Who are you talking about, the person who hit Luce?" I asked him with tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Yeah." He sniffed before wiping his eyes.

"Did he do stuff to you?" I asked him not able to say the word.

"Like what?" He asked slightly confused.

"Anything he did to you, I want to to tell me please." I begged him.

"Well, a few years ago I was walking through the corridor when I saw Blue. He was amazing, I couldn't see anything apart from him. And then he came and told me that I would be in a relationship with him, I wouldn't acknowledge Blue and I would push my family away. At the start he was nice to me, and he treated me right. But then he changed, if he didn't get his way he would hit me, and then one day he did it, it was the one thing that I wanted dad I wanted to have my first time with my mate and enjoy it, but he took it from me." He sobbed into my chest.

"What's his name." Seth demanded from the door.

"Calm down." I told him.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down, he did unspeakable stuff to my son and put my daughter in a coma. You expect me to calm down, you must be crazy."

"Jer." Luca muttered.

"Him, his father is a warrior. Zach." He shouted to his beta who came running in shortly after.

"I want you to bring Jer and his parents to the open field in ten minutes."

"Yes Alpha." Zach muttered before walking out presumably to go find Jer and his parents.

"I want you two to stay here with Luce, please I can't have you there, not when I have to give out a punishment." Seth demanded.

"A punishment?" I asked confused.

"Yes, he has hurt my family and put my daughter into a coma, and him and his parents will be kicked out of the pack."

"I didn't know that it still happened." I said truthfully.

"It's because it's never had to happen that's why." He told me.

"Just go and do it." Luca mumbled rubbing his thumb along Luce's hand.

"Stay safe." He told us hugging each of us in turn, but lingering a little longer with me.

"Love you." I told him as he walked out.

"You too." He shouted back.

Seth's POV

The further away I got from Kai the more my skin started to boil. How could he do that the bastard I'll make him pay.

"Seth, he's there now." Zach told me as I walked towards where he was.


"Why are we here?" His father asked as soon as I walked in.

"Your son knows why he is here." I replied.

"What did you do?" He growled at Jer.

"Nothing, I swear." He whimpered out.

"Really now?" I asked him with a smirk cracking my knuckles.

"Yeah, um I didn't do anything." He stuttered.

"Stop fucking around." I growled pushing him against a wall.

"I'm  not." He stammered.

"Really now, so you didn't rape my son? Or you didn't threaten his mate? Or did you not hit my daughter with a car and put her in a coma?" I growled at him.

"Jer, did you?" His father asked him.

"Um, well..." He stammered.

His father reached out and grabbed him by his hair and dragged him outside.

"I want you to apologise to him and I want you to write a letter apologising to Lucinda. And then you're going to get castrate you and then you are going to jail." His father growled.

"What! No you can't do that to me." He shouted at his father.

"I can and I will. Zach can you get me a knife please?" He asked with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Sure." He said walking away to get one.

"I'm going to leave and go see Kai and my kids, I'll se you soon." I said to the older man before walking out.

I walked and stopped hen I heard a scream.

"Stop being such a little bitch about it." Was then shouted at Jer followed by another scream as I assume his other ball was cut off.

Kai's POV

Seth walked back in a little after the second scream.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, his father took care of it." He told me.

"What happened?"

"He got castrated and he is going to go to prison for rape and attempted murder." He said before he came over and hugged me.

"How is he coping?" He asked referring to Luca who was asleep holding onto Luce's hand.

"The same as all of us, but we will cope and she will wake up." I told him pulling him tighter into my embrace.

"Okay, I love you all." He told me before I fell asleep.

So I finally updated, yay.

I'm sorry for taking so long, but well  having withdrawals from comic con. I don't care that I was only there for a day, I just want to go back and stay forever.

And I have to learn about two to three years of work in a year for geography because my class got taught all the wrong stuff and then my teacher was ill and we got taught about volcanoes and earthquakes for about half a year when we don't even need to know and of that stuff for our exam. And I have a prelim for it three or four months. Ahhhhhhhhhhh it's so frustrating. And my physics teacher literally teaches us nothing at all and someone a few years older than me who had them for a teacher said that if you do you have to pretty much self teach yourself everything. Ugh, it's so annoying and I would literally drop out of I isn't want to be an engineer.

Anyways, my rant is over, haha sorry tho,

Love ya's, byyyyee xx

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