Chapter 4

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We have a day before we go to the actual festival so today we're gonna go explore the nearby stores and stuff

We enter to eat breakfast at this little restaurant about three blocks away from the hotel

We're all seated and I sit at the very end of the table and Laura because last time we went to eat Matt sat next to me and it was terrible because I didn't want to eat so I wouldn't make a fool of myself but I was so hungry I made an excuse to go to the bathroom and got something by a nearby vending machine that was thankfully there

Nope not this time I'm gonna go all out till I'm full

Laura's pov.

Dang Jasmine just keeps eating she wasn't like this a couple of days ago she said she "wasn't hungry" come to think of it I'm pretty sure she sat next to Matt that day...

Oo i think know why now

We all finish eating and head out

Nash pov.

As we leave I see Matt getting close to Jasmine and he tries to talk to her
Ugh why won't he back off

I try to slide into their convo but I guess I make it awkward

All I heard was

"Really me too!"

"Wow idek that many people that know them you're a cool girl indeed Jasmine"

I saw she was looking the other way but I could see her blushing

As I walk up to her

She looks surprised

"Hey jasmine"

"Hey Nash"

Oh by the way thanks for texting back about the incident and stepping up for Laura she told me it was really nice of you"

"No problem I'm glad it's all fixed and over now though"

"Or the hero Nash must come out again"

Jas pov

Nash says that all proud and flashing a very prideful grin as I say

"Um who's that"

"The person who saved Laura obviously"

"Well can I talk to him?"

"Um why because he doesn't just show up there needs to be an actual problem milady"

"Um... I need someone with nice blue eyes who's last name is rhymes with deer?

"Oh really?"


"Well look over there at that shop"

I pretend to be on the phone with a friend so Nash leaves and then we all here Laura scream "OMG THEIRS A HOT TOPIC!" Which made me very happy because my Nathan Sykes shirt is fading.

While walking there all I heard was




I swear sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with these people.

Cameron's pov:

I feel bad about the situation with me and Laura, and I can tell she's been kinda ignoring me all day. I kinda wanna make it up to her but I don't know how. Maybe jasmine will know

C: I kinda wanna get Laura something...I feel bad
C: what should I get here?
J: Ashton Irwin.
C: I'm being serious
J: fine ummm...just buy here something at hot topic

I decided to just wait and see what she picked out and then buy here something from her pile

"Hey I can get you that shirt...look I'm really sorry about before" I told her and she just smiled and said "thanks Cam but you don't have to buy me anything" she said and I kept bugging her until she finally caved it and let me buy it.

Nash pov

Ughh if Mathew does not back off Jasmine I'm gonna loose my mind! Can't he see that I want her?!

"EARTH TO NASHHH?!" I heard Laura scream in my face "WHAAAA..oh oops.." Turns out I just about ran into a wall...

We decided to get something to eat at a diner. Laura looks very tired and not her self where as Cameron and me were bouncing all around. Mathew was in the corner flirting with Jasmine..ughhhh I just wanna go over there and slap him, but then Jasmine would be mad at me.

I decided to try to make Jasmine jealous by dancing with another girl, but my only option was Laura...oh well

"Hey Laura wanna dance?" I asked her and she looked confused

"I think you are getting me confused with Jasmine..." She said and I just laughed and said "no I'm not I wanna dance with you!" I said and she said "ummm well ok I guess.." She said and we started dancing

Jasmine's pov

Why is Nash dancing with Laura? Not that I care but I thought he liked me. Maybe they have a thing but I did not think that was possible and Laura told me that she would never keep a big secret from she most of lied! I'm so confused right now.

"Hey Jas how's it going?" Nash said to me "ok if you don't mind me you and Laura have a thing? And he laughed and said "no no I was just dancing with her..cause she looked lonely! Which kinda made sense so I believed him.

• back at the hotel

"Today was fun BUT TOMORROW IS GONNA BE AMAZING!" I said and everyone cheered.
Wow tomorrow I will meet my is amazing sometimes.

Hey guys! Sorry we did not update in forever, We had school which sucks but we should good from now on! Thanks for reading!~Laura and Jasmine 😁

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