Chapter 12

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Cameron's pov

"Hey hey hey! Stop the fighting!" The manager said as he walked over to our table. "HE TOUCHED HER!" Nash shouted as he put down the chair he was about to throw. "Oh no. That's it Rob, you're fired. I'm so sorry your meal will be on the house" the manager said very frustrated. "Thank you." Nash said as he sat back down in his chair.

"So uhh where do you guys want to go now?" Laura asked us in a quiet voice. She been so quiet since what happened...I hope she's alright. "LETS GET ICE CREAM!" Nash shouted in a voice similar to a two year old. "Okay fine" Jasmine said while rolling her eyes.

We got in line to get our ice cream, but I could tell that's not where Laura's focus was. "You okay?" I asked her very concernedly. "Yeah" she said quietly. I didn't believe her, but I decided it would be better just to drop it for now.

"What kind of ice cream do you guys want?" I asked everyone. "We want vanilla!" Matt, Ashton, and Calum said. "We want chocolate" Jasmine Luke and Nash said. "I'll have strawberry" Michael said. "Okay so three vanilla, three chocolate, two strawberry?" I asked everyone and thy just nodded there heads. "You sure you don't want any?" I asked Laura but she just shook her head.

" we have an announcement.." Calum and Michael both say at the same time. "Ohh what is it?" We all asked them confused. "We're dating!" They shouted very happily. "OMG OMG I KNEW IT MALUM IS REAL" Laura shouted very excitedly. "How'd you know?" Calum asked us. "Well you kind of do everything together" Ashton said.

Michael and Calum both started to blush. "Y'all are goals" Nash shouted while dropping his ice cream. "WHYYYY NOOO" Nash screamed and started to cry. "You're such a big baby" Jasmine said to him while laughing. "Hey that's mean!" Nash shouted while pouting. "Awe does Nashy need a hug?" Jasmine asked him while still laughing. "yeah" Nash said in a voice that sounded like a five year old. Then Jasmine got up and hugged him.

Jasmine's pov

I feel way more comfortable around Nash now. I feel like I own him for what he did for me. I don't know how to repay him.

"Guys it's like 10 o'clock, let's go home" Nash said and we all went back to Cameron's car.

"Today was fun guys" I said to them, and I slowly faded to sleep.

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