Chapter 30/the final chapter

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Jasmine's pov

"Your turn" Ashton says to me and Matt. I'm so scared, what if she hates us? I hope she can forgive us.

Me and Matt started to walk towards her room, but something seemed off. Maybe it was the nurses? No..they all are the same. Maybe I'm just feeling things again.

I walked in the room to see Lucy and Alissa there.

"What are you doing here?" I say to them not scared to start a fight. "Oh its you. The reason your friend is here." Lucy says to me while grinning. "That's not tr-" Laura start to say but Alissa slaps her. "Oh hell no. Keep your hands off her." Matt says as he starts to walk over to Alissa. "Hmm you're a fine one to be talking Mathew." Lucy says which causes Matt to take a step back.

"This is all you two's fault! Stop pointing the blame. Security!" I shout causing them to run out. "That's what I thought." Matt says. Now he's the one grinning.

"Laura were so sorry" I say and run over and hug her. "Don't worry about it, it was just a misunderstanding." Laura says to us but I couldn't just pretend this never happened. "No, this happened and I don't know if I'll ever fully forgive myself for it. You are an amazing person and what me and Matt did was horrible. I shouldn't have asked you to spy.." I say to her and start to tear up.

"No. I should've known that this would happen, and I shouldn't have been so rude to Lucy...I'm sorry guys" Laura says to me causing Matt to look at her funny. "No! None of this is your fault. I should have known better then to ever lay hands on you." Matt says to her and then hugs her. "Thanks Matt...when do I get out of here?" Laura asks Matt clearly not wanting to be here any longer.

"Right now." Says the brunette lady as she walks over and unplugs Laura. "Thank god, I want ice cream." Laura says and then hops up. "Then let's go get some." I say to her and she smiles. "Thanks guys." Laura says to us and then hugged us.

We walked out into the waiting room to get the others and Ashton came running up to Laura. "thank god you're okay. Don't ever do that again." He says to her and embraces her. "I won't. I'm finally happy." She says which causes all of us to smile. "I love you." Ashton says to her. "I love you too." She says and then they kissed.

"Ew get a room!" Luke shouts at them while taking a picture. "Oh shut up like you don't like it" Calum says causing me to laugh really loud. "Ugh fine let's go get some ice cream." Luke says and then rolls his eyes.

Everyone started to walk to the car but Ashton and I stayed back.

"I want to get something for Laura, what should I get her?" Ashton asks me. The others then looked back wondering why we were taking so long, but I just signaled for them to keep walking. "Uhh get her shoes!" I say to him. "Ooh what kind?" He asks me but I just grinned. "Ooh I know.." He says and then starts to grin.


We walked into the ice cream place with the box of shoes and another thing Ashton decided to get her. "What's this for?" Laura asks us very confusedly. "Actually it's for you. But after you eat." Ashton says which causes her to sigh. "Fine I'll wait." She says and starts to fake pout.

"What kind of ice cream do you guys want?" The boy working there asks us. I knew I recognized him from somewhere...oh yeah! He's the guy who helps us last time! "Just our usuals please" I say to him causing him to smile. "Of course jasmine!" The guy says and we just walk back to our seats.

"Okay okay can I open them now?!" Laura begged Ashton. "Okay fine, but open the little one first." Ashton said to Laura with a grin on his face.

Laura's pov:

"Okay.." I said as I started to unwrap the little box. Once I got to fancy paper off I could tell it was some time of jewelry. I then opened it. It was a beautiful gold locket with a picture of us on the first day we met. "Awe thank you!" I say to him and start to tear up. "It's nothing. Now open the other one!" He says to me with happiness. "Okay.." I say to him scared of what it is.

I opened up the box to find a pair of vans in it. But they weren't just any vans, they were custom 5sos vans. The ones I've wanted for years. "No way!" I say and start to cry. "Awe baby don't cry.." Ashton says to me and then hugs me.

After this moment I realized I had as I needed. I have amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend.

But let's not forget about the amazing bands I love and my new vans.

"All I need are my vans and bands." I say and everyone smiles.


Hey guys, so this is it. I just want to say that this fanfiction was my first and I started it with Jasmine before either of us could really write in 7th grade.

Well now I'm a 9th grader. Most people would be like "why would you write a fanfic for two years?" Well, mainly cause we forgot the password. Then I found it and continued the story.

Everyone who had enjoyed and read our story, thank you.

Originally going into the story we didn't really know what to do. We knew we wanted to have a character attempt suicide at the end but that was all we had. Also we had the festival idea.

Jasmine came out with the title and we just kinds went with it. It was originally posted on a different account but well, we forgot the password.

Also, originally Nash and Cameron weren't gonna date. But then I realized we needed some more drama so I added that and I think it worked out nicely.

Also in the time writing this story I've gotten into many other things.

I slowly became Dan and Phil trash and I remember the first video I had watched was their just dance one and then I feel in love.

Also I became a P!atd fan, a Melanie Martinez fan, a Halsey fan, and many more.

I think after reading so much fanfiction I kinda just put my mind to finishing this story. It's been one of the best things I've every done with my writing and I'm proud of it.

So yeah, thanks to everyone who's been reading this story since the beginning, and to those who just started reading today.

I hope you all enjoyed!

Also remember vans and bands are the perfect mix.

~Laura ❤️

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