Chapter 22

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Lucy's pov

Plan revenge was in action. Hopefully Laura will know that you don't mess with me and Alissa when this is all over with.

Lucy 👸🏻: hey Matt, wanna hang out today? I haven't seen you in forever!

Matt 😉: sure! Wanna go to Starbucks?

Lucy 👸🏻: yeah that's fine! Meet me there in 20?

Matt 😉: okay!

Haha are plan has already started. Let's just hope this works.

Jasmine's pov

"Hey Jazzy, I'm going to hang out with Lucy" Matt says to me as he grabs his hat. "Uhh why?" I ask him suspiciously. He wouldn't cheat on me would he? "Just to catch up, don't worry she has a boyfriend and I have you." Matt says which causes my heart to flutter. "Awe okay." I say to him still not one hundred percent sure.

Once Matt walked out the door, not even minutes later, Alissa walks in.

"What do you want?" I ask her in disgust. I really don't like her, I don't even know why she's here.

"Look I came here to tell you something" Alissa says while started to tear up. "Uhh no thanks, sorry but we're not friends." I say to her with a fake smile on my face. "It's about Lucy and Matt..." She says to me dragging out matts name. This better be worth my time.

"What is it?" I ask her not really caring. "Just look at this" Alissa says while scrolling through her camera roll to find a screen shot of some texts.

Lucy 💕: thanks for agreeing to hang with me. You would be disappointed.

Matt ❤️: it's nothing really, you're so much better than Jas.

Lucy 💕: awe thanks. You're amazing. Love ya babe!

Matt ❤️: love you too 💕

"I don't believe this.." I say to Alissa completely shocked. "Exactly! Now I know we're not the greatest friends, but I have an idea on how to make sure this is real." Alissa says to me. I mean, what ever it is won't hurt right?

"Okay here's an idea. How about you get Laura to spy on them? She's an amazing actor, so she'll find a way to hide. Plus she's really small so it will be easy for her to get into little places." Alissa says to me while smiling. "Uhh I don't know.." I say to her. I don't think I trust this very much. "Trust me jasmine, what could it hurt?" She says to me. I mean she does have a point.

"Okay fine I'm in." I say to her still not fully convinced. "Yay! Okay go get Laura! Tell her they're at the Starbucks down by the lake. "Okay, thanks for the help!" I say to her now fully convinced. "It's nothing, I can't believe that Lucy would do something like this!" She says to me sounding kind of pissed. "You're telling me, well I'm gonna go get Laura so bye!" I say to her and she closes the door.

"LAURA COME HERE!" I shout at her. "UGH COMING" she shouts back at me. "What do you want?" She asks me half asleep. "I need you to go spy on Matt and Lucy for me..I think he's cheating on me.." I say to her as I started to tear up. "This is a bad idea..who even came up with it?" Laura asks me while looking down at her shoes. I know she won't do it if I tell her it's Alissa's.

"Uhh mine..I came up with it. Just please do it for me?" I ask her hoping she'd say yes. "Ugh fine..but this is still a bad idea.." Laura says very shyly.

Laura's pov

This is a horrible idea...but since jasmine wants me to do it I guess it will be worth it. I hope I don't get caught.

Jasmine 🌉: what's going on?

Laura : not much they're just sitting at the table talking.

Jasmine 🌉: what about?

Laura : uhh not much WAIT HE JUST CALLED HER PRETTY!

Jasmine 🌉: are you kidding me?

Laura : no hold up I gotta watch this.

Matt and Lucy were getting closer to each other and I was paying carful attention. All of a sudden Lucy looks at me.

Oh shit. I'm fucked.

"Hey isn't that your friend Laura over there? I think she's spying on us." Lucy says to Matt and then Matt looks over at me.

"Well what do we have here! My girlfriends best friend! Why are you spying on us?" Matt says to me angrily. "I..wasn't spying on you.." I lie to Matt hoping he'd believe me. "She's lying. I know it!" Lucy says to me. "Oh shut your bubble gum bitch ass up." I say to Lucy causing her to take a step back. "Don't talk to me like that." She says to me as a demand. "I'll do what I please bitch." I say to her causing Mathew to push me into the corner.

"Why were you spying on us he says to me hovering over me. "I..okay fine. Jasmine thought you were cheating on her." I say to he rubbing my arm from where he pushed me. "I can't believe her, more importantly I can't believe you. I thought I trusted you." Matt says to me very aggressively. "But Matt.." I say to him but he cuts me off by pushing me to the ground.

"Please don't hurt me.." I say to him with tears in my eyes. "Just..fuck out of my life will you? I don't ever want to see you again" he says and hits me one last time.

Then once Matt leaves, Lucy turns around and says two simple words. "Check mate." "Oh fuck no. You have a nerve Lucy." I say to her and then push her to the ground. "I don't know why you're taking this out on me. You're best friend hates you now as well. Check your texts." She says to me and then runs up to catch up to Matt.

Jasmine 🌉: fuck you.

Jasmine 🌉: you got us caught? I can't believe you would do this to me. Don't ever even try to talk to me again. You're a fuck up Laura. You've always been.

That's it. I hopped into my car while the tears in my eyes turned into sobs. Where could I go? I mean I could go to Ashton's, but his house is so far away. I'd probably crash. Luke's house is probably the closest. I'll drive to his.

Hey guys! It's summer break now and I'm officially finished writing all the chapters! What do you think is going to happen next? To find out just keep reading! ~ Laura 💕

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