Double dare

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Authors note: This is what Dean was humming too.

As the sun went down, the full moon rose up into the sky, giving the Winchester boys some view of there surroundings with out any headlights.  The sound of crickets could be heard from the forest behind them, soon to be over heard by pop music and the sound of talk and laughter. Other hunters arrived, parking there cars and trucks along the dirt car park surrounding them. Exiting there use of transport dressed in varia's costumes. Between hunter's it was a joke to dress up as something that was real, when for some many people it was a tradition followed by Pagans. Not knowing the deadly and bloody truth behind Hollows Eve, But two well known Hunters knew well off the story, and may not have dressed up as you would in the 21st century, but have experienced as it was hundreds off years ago, whilst saving the world from Satan's sporn. Long story.

There name was known to hundreds of hunters, creatures unknown to mankind, feared by Supernatural beings and looked apon. As the greatest hunters in History. To be written about by hundreds, to be spoken about past there age.  It was the end of the Darkness, it was just the day to day hunts from then on. It was as it should be in there eyes. What the two men would have it, they would have yet experience another war, another fight. Who knows, maybe then will they finally get to rest in peace, with the ones they love. Just maybe, they will finally get to see the gates of Gold.

There names, were Dean and Sam Winchester and this, is there last journey.

Dean stood in front of Ellen's pub, beside his black Chevy Impala. Humming to war pigs. His arms were crossed over his broad chest. Waiting for his little brother to exit the car. "Fine" Dean heard him say. Dean smirked and continued to hum to one of his favourite bands. Sam opened the car door. Adjusting white feathery winds strapped to his back.  

Dean looked at his little brother, it looked like Sam could punch a wall. He stood there, in a white tunic, white fluffy angel wings with love heart tipped arrows sticking out of a satchel tied around to his back.  "I hate Halloween, and I hate cupids, Dean, WHY do I have to be a Cupid" Dean looked at his brother. "Yere hot wings, your to masculine to be a Cupid any way" He smirked. "Dude, your the mad hatter" Dean adjusted his top hat. "At least I'm not insulting any one up stairs, Sam huffed.  "Every day is Halloween for us Dean" Dean ignored his brothers glares.

To break the silence Sam said ''What did Castiel say he was coming as?"  Dean shrugged. "Dunno, He might dress up as a angel" Dean smiled. Sam glared at him. "We could be working on a case or-" He was cut off by the familiar sound of wings could be heard. They turned around to see Castiel bright blue eyes staring at them through a rectangular pair of black glasses with the lenses popped out. He wore a Deep blue suit with a red tie, Red converse and A long brown trench coat. He had his hands in his pockets. They raised their eye brows. Cass Stood their and adjusted his wait from foot to foot. "I'm imitating the Doctor, it was the closet thing that seemed comfortable from my usual entire. "

*Flash back*

 "Dean, what is truth or dare?" Dean and Sam looked up from there work. They had gotten used to Castiel popping up out of no were with question or news about the supernatural but a game. Dean and Sam haven't played that game since they were 12. Dean raised his eye brows. His green eyes staring at Castiel with confusion. "Sorry what?" He looked at the two boys. His face emotionalise. "truth or dare. Gabriel said-" Sam looked up. "I thought Gabriel was dead?" Cas looked at him. "Long story, As I was saying. He said I dare you to ask Sam and Dean to play Truth or dare with me" He cocked his head and looked down in confusion, his eye brows knitted together, his finger tips slightly touching his forehead.  "I'm asking you to play truth or Dare. But why would Gabriel ask me to do that" he looked up. "is it some secret code" Sam raised his eye brows. "huh" Castiel looked more confused. '' I don't understand" Dean leaned on his right elbow, glancing at the invation from Ellen's pub. A Halloween party. Sam hated Halloween, so did Dean. But Cass probably didn't.  Twisting his body to Castiel. "its a game Cass" His blue eyes did not even blink. "I don't, OH" Dean smiled. You wanna play or not? Sam didn't get me pie again so I'm bored" He nodded in Sam's direction. Castiel face fell. "okay but I don't know, oh wait yes, I think I understand know" Dean stood. He clapped his hands. "Me first, Castiel..........Truth or dare?''

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