Pink hair ties

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Authors Note: 220 reads. I can not breath! You guys! Thank you. Oh my gosh this makes me so happy. Reading your comments is also really cool. I love to hear what you guys think.

The two boys held each other for quite sometime until Sam moved and kissed the shorter angel on the cheek and stood up. He reached out his hand to help the short angel. He didn't take his hand, but stood up, grabbed Sam's shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. "Oi" Gabriel grinned. "Don't tease me like that" Sam placed his fingers over his lips where Gabriel had kissed him. His lips slightly tingled from the jester. "We should head back. Dean and Cas will be worried" You think they will be worried Sasquatch? Okay, if you want to believe that, go a head.  Gabriel thought to himself.

The two boys walked hand in hand. What they saw was Castiel and Dean fast asleep beside the fire. There hands were not linked, but they might as well have been, because there hands were mire inches away from each other.  Sam smiled. He rested his back on a tree and closed his eyes. "Night Gabe" Gabriel sat next to the younger Winchester, "Night Sammy" Soon Gabriel could here soft snores coming from the younger boy. Castiel doesn't sleep. Is he turning human? Gabriel brushed the thought away.

I'm Bored

He began tying Sam's hair into two pigtails on the top of his head. Using Bright pink scrunches.


Castiel woke before the rest of the boys. He managed to gather what grace he had left, to place his dark blue suit on once again, he left the shoes off, for he quite liked the feeling of the grass benief his feet. For he was beginning to feel the cold at night. It seemed quite unusual for an angel, But just like his brother, he brushed the thought away. Dean stirred in his sleep, Castiel watched with a small smile on his face. How cute Dean looked with his hair sculled out around his head, like a little halo of hair. "Morning Castiel" Gabriel said. Gabriel squinted his eyes at his younger brother. He sat beside the younger Winchester, who had resorted to resting his head on the shorter Angel.

"Did you tell him?" Castiel said. Gabe looked down on the sleeping boy. "Yere" Castiel smiled at his older brother. He was happy for him. It was about time he told Sam.  Castiel noticed the pink pony tails in Sam's hair and he tilted his head. "What did you do?"

"I put pink scrunches in his hair (YOU GUYS I FOUND THE IMAGE

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"I put pink scrunches in his hair (YOU GUYS I FOUND THE IMAGE. IT WAS THE BEST I COULD DO) I mean it was long anoth" Gabe smiled, like a small child that had completed a challenge and should now be reward with a lolly-pop. Sam stirred in his sleep, he lifted his head and stretched his limbs. He reached over and placed a hand on his head. "Gabriel? What did you do?"

Authors Note: Kind of a filler I know. I love incorporating images and gifs from the Fandom family into my stories. It makes them funny. Okay Question. What is you Fav SPN Gif/image, and I shall try to incorporate them into my story/s. This one or new ones that I have planned. We shall see. Oh I am also thinking about doing a Spidypool Fanfic. Or Stony. Who knows guys. I've always wanted to do Johnlock as well. We shall see   Thanks for reading until next time. BYE.

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