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Just as the boys began to position them selves around the camp fire to rest, Cas began to feel the arms of sleep pull him in to a slumber, bringing on a yorn.  The two Winchester laid down before the fire. Resting there heads on there arms. Dean rolled on his back. "Night Sammy" Sam mumbled a goodnight as he rolled on his side, closing his eyes for the night. Dean watched the stars, he listened to the crickets, the wind, the leaves rustling and other creatures around him. Jumping from tree to tree, scavenging for food. He thought of how they were going to get home, defeat Lucifer, Crowley. How did he even get into this mess in the first place? He wondered what if would be like to not be a hunter. If his mother died, Sam and Dean grew up like normal kids. It was no secret that was what Sam wanted. But for Dean, he knew no different. His thoughts wondered as he watched the stars. 'If I never became a hunter, then my relationship would not have been as strong with Sam, and I would have never have met Castiel. Cas. He has really nice eyes. All he has ever done is try to help us. Protect me and Sammy. Protect me, has only ever thought of for the best for us. Never thought about what if, but the possibility of doing something right. He's been though a lot and we never thanked him for it'

"Cas?" Dean rolled on his side to face the angel who had taken a spot leaning on the tree. Watching the sky. His gaze lowed, his blue eyes met with the bright Green ones. "Yes Dean" His gravel voiced was soft and gentle. It always carmed Dean down a little bit. "Thank you" Cas tilted his head to the side. "I do not understand" Dean sat up to cross his legs. "I'm saying thank you for everything you have done for us" Castiel nodded. "There is no need to thank me. I am aware thank you are grateful" Dean blinked. Why did Dean have this eagre to hold Castiel. Tell him thank you a thousand times over, and never feeling like he could be satisfied with saying thank you. "Castiel, Come here" Dean stood. His back aluminated by the fire. 'This angel is amazing, he's beautiful, I love him'  Castiel raised his eye brows. What was this boy thinking.

Cas stood. He had forgotten his all-stars back at the tree's so he walked around bear footed. Through his vessel he could feel the cold creeping though the tips of his toes. He slowly walked up to the Winchester. Castiel knew for a wile that he had fallen for the older Winchester. He also knew the consequences for admitting that he has fallen in love with a human. Not for being Gay.

Soon he was standing in front of him, being so, Dean was slightly taller then the angel. So Cas looked up. The moon light glowed, shadowing the two boys in a blue light. Before Cas knew it, Dean pulled Castiel in his arms. Cas could smell the fresh rain and Dirt. He could smell the embers of the fire. Every little detail he loved about Dean. His freckles sprinkled on his nose, spiky hair, his bow legs to his sharp shoulders. Everything Castiel loved. Castiel even melted a little when Dean got a little angry. He looked so cute.

"Thank you Cas" Dean didn't want to let go of the angel. He seemed like a fragile piece of work that couldn't be let go. "Cas" Castiels heart flutted as he rested his head on Deans shoulder. "Yes Dean" Dean couldn't help it any longer. He wanted to tell him. He knew about the hand holding when they were amongst the tree's, He knew. When he saw Cas come through the tree's at the Tea party, he wanted to kiss him, tell him that's everything's okay that nothing was going to happen to him. When he saw Cas in the Doctor who Costume, he wanted to giggle about how cute Cas looked and hold him close when the other hunters where eyeing him. But he couldn't. This was his only chance.

He pulled Cas from arms length. So he could study Castiel soft features. "I-I think I love you" Castiel blinked. His blue eyes widened as he processed what Dean had just said. 'Did Dean just?'   His whole body shook. He had just told his how he felt. He let go of Castiel. "You know what, don't worry about it" Dean said. He turned around and sat by the fire.

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