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Authors Note: I don't do smut. So don't ask.

Cass's woke with a smile on his face. He slept across from Dean his Green hat placed behind his head. But not in each others arms as they would of liked to. Deans chest rose and fell lightly. Cas smiled. He looked so cute when he slept. Wile Dean slept, Cas had snuck his trench coat underneath Deans head to allow for more comfort. Yes Dean was going to be cramped but Cass wanted to allow for more comfort. He reached over to brush his finger though his soft hair. Sam had not waken yet, he still slept on his side, softly snoring. The fire had gone down to a soft glow. As Cas watched Dean peacefully sleep, he sat up. But something was different. He felt soft silk brush across his knee caps. 'What in the name of chuck'  Castiel looked down. "Oh" During his sleep, he had somehow appeared in a blue dress with a white Apron. "Gabriel" As soon as he said the words, Gabriel appeared beside him grinning from ear to ear. "Hiya Cas" Cass turned to his older brother. "Gabriel, what the hell" Gabe grinned. "Know Deans got his Alice" He smiled and with a poof of smoke he was gone. Not invisible but gone. "Damit Gabriel" Cas tried to make the dress disappear many times with his grace but his powers had no affect. The dress would not budge.

He didn't want to wake Dean up but he had to. He slowly nudged his shoulder. "Dean" He whispered. "Dean" He stared in his sleep. "Cass, is Sam still asleep" He said with his eyes still closed. He turned to him. "Yes but that's besides the point" Dean smiled. "Good" He pulled Cas close to him and kissed him. Before Cas could melt into the kiss, Dean pulled away. "Morning Beautiful" He smiled. Cas smiled back at him. At that moment Dean truly saw the buety of his Angel. He understood why many men and woman thought that Angels had Halo's above there heads. As Cas looked down apon him, the morning sun had creeped through the Tree tops, shining in strips, draped over his shoulders and head. His brown hair glowed in the light. His morning hair was slightly frizzy crating a golden fuzz on the top of his head.

He stood up and hugged the shorter angel. He noticed something different about his clothes. 'Silk?' He soon saw what Cas was wearing. "Cas, what are you wearing" He giggled. " Cas looked down. The baby blue dress was cut above his knee's, the white apron just a little higher. The top was high cut, up to his neck with a black head band "A dress" Dean Giggled some more. "You look so cute Cas" Cas glared at him. He also noticed that he had mid length white socks that seemed quite warm for the weather. "Shut up, and keep your voice down" He giggled, until Dean had to put his hand over his mouth to stop himself from bursting out with laughter. "Dean" He continued. 'At this rate he's going to wake up Sam'  Cas grabbed the Giggling Dean and his trench coat and walked into the woods. He didn't want Sam to see him like this, let alone Dean but he needed someone to help him get out of the dress.

They stopped at a near by lake with a water fountain. "Not funny Dean" Dean stopped his laughter. By this point his face beat red. "I sorry, it's just I never thought that I would see an Angel in a dress" Cas glared at him. "I need your help getting it off" Dean frowned. "How come?" Cas tapped his socked foot on the rocky floor. "Oh, Sorry" Dean smiled a little. "Come here" Cas turned around so Dean could unbutton the back. "For some reason when I try doing it, it won't come off" Dean hummed to him in response as he carful unbuttoned each button with skilled fingers. Dean brushed his fingers across Castiels shoulders to allow the dress to dropped to the floor. Cas sighed with relief. "Dresses are constricting. Thank you Dean" He know stood in shorts and a singlet. He reached down to take off the socks. When he stood up again. He felt Deans hands rest on Cass's hips. He felt shiver's down his spine. "Dean?" Dean hummed to his self as he pulled him closer to his body. His arms rapping around Cass's waist. He kissed his cheek then rested his head on his shoulder. "I will always help you Cass" Cass smiled. He was slightly worried that Dean had something else in mind, but they had only just started being officially together. It would be to soon.

But Cas knew that Dean would wait, He trusted him and he knew that he would Wait until the ends of the earth for him if he had to. Although Cas saw no point in the act. He loved Dean and that was all that matted. "I know" They stood there for sometime. Until Cas turned to face Dean and said "are we, together?" Dean smiled. "As soon as you said I love you" He smiled back. He felt so safe with the Winchester. Nothing could change that.

Back with Sam at the Campfire.

Sam rolled in his sleep. Not noticing that his brother was gone or the fact that Gabriel had made him self visible to the human eye and was know watching over the Younger Winchester. He smiled to him self. As he watched the younger Winchester, Sam rolled about, until his eye's flutted open. He was facing the woods and all he could see was thick oak trees before him. Then he turned around. "Dean?" Instead he saw the shorter angel standing there. His eyes winded as Gabriel shuffled from foot to foot. He didn't mean to be caught, let alone by Sam alone when Castiel and Dean wasn't around. His cheeks turned a Deep red. "Morning Sam" Sam blinked. He wanted to know were Dean and Castiel were. But being alone with Gabriel wasn't so bad. "Where's the others" He croaked. Sam was not a morning person. Neither was Dean. 'Where was he?'  "Ummm, I think they went to gather some water. So I- I stayed here with you" Gabriel smiled to him self. Over the thousands of years of being alive he was a good liar. Well it was partly true. "Send us back Gabe" Sam glared. Gabriel looked at him. "Sorry moose, you have to figure out away to get out. Just like Alice did" He looked at Sam as Sam tapped his foot impatiently.

He knew that Gabriel wasn't crulw anoth to make Dean and Cas disappear. Maybe lose there way, but not disappear.   "Okay I don't know how to get you guys back. I have set a task so that you can get back. Find your way to the maze, then find the queen. Chop her head off and restore the crown to the white queen. Then you will be returned. Bread and butter. The white queen likes bread and butter. Then you boys will become kings. Makes sense right?" Sam nodded. Remembering full well about how Alice had to become queen to returned home. They continued to talk, for sometime they talked about there like, there dislikes. They got to know each other. Them love for each other seem to grow.

Back with Cas and Dean.

"We should head back" Cas said. Dean nodded. "Yere we should" Dean began to walk towards the camp fire into the woods when Cas had an idea. "Maybe we should gather some water. You know, so it doesn't seem weird. Oh and holy water purposes" Cas smiled. Dean turned around. "Yere good idea" Dean had his flask with him. "Here" Dean placed it into Cass's hands. "You fill it" Cas nodded. He tuned around, he slowly walked into the rushing water. The water laped up his body as he submered his self deeper and deeper. "Dean, the waters so nice. Come in" He held unscrewed the flasks lid and filled it with the rocky water.

Dean only stood in shock. Something was nagging at the back of his memory. Images of Castiel slowly submerging himself into a lake, flashed before his eyes. He called out in his mind but Castiel kept on walking. Until he was fully engolthed by the water.

"Dean" Dean blinked. "Sorry Cas, I. I thought I saw something"

Wer're all mad hear Destiel/Sabriel (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant